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Skip opening (by the mirror) dialogue


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When you start a new game, you first wait for the loading, then watch the 'war never changes' cinematic that you can skip, then the game finally starts proper, showing Nate repeating the thing into the mirror, with Nora then telling him about how he's gonna knock everyone dead at the veteran's meeting or whatever. It's a fairly short intro, sure, but when you restart the game for the millionth time (because mods), you'd really like to get straight to the character creation, so I was hoping someone could make a mod that actually skips their dialogue and goes straight to it after Nate says 'war never changes'.


If such a mod already does exist, please give me a link, because I couldn't find it. And yes, I know that I can just save right after this, but with new mods, that's not always viable.


Thanks in advance!

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Yeah that's the best we've for skipping beginning

There's a mod called Start Me Up that lets you take on the role of new character which changes your dialogue I have it for Xbox and you need to search skip to find it


I know this mod and I'm using it, but it doesn't skip over the opening cinematic and mirror cutscene.

Yeah that's the best we've got for skipping that scene

Edited by Jenwisns
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