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Alduin's Rise


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Just when he thought it was over, a dragon barged in to kill the mood. "AH FOR F**KS SAKE!" Edwin yelled. He followed his orders and dashed to the left. He cast a large fireball at the giant flying lizard, exploding on contact. The dragon winced slightly before he slapped Edwin with his wing, sending him flying into a wall. He quickly recovered, but was bleeding from his shoulder. "Bastard" he muttered. He cast a spell on his sword, setting the blade on fire. He ferociously lunged at the foul beast's wing. He slashed the dragon's left wing, making it scream into the air and effectively setting the wing on fire for a few seconds. The dragon overcame this wound and slapped Edwin for a second time by the dragon.


He flew a few feet back, landing on his back. He looked up to see Abdul falling close to him as well as giant root things holding the dragon in place in the air. Abdul was frantically screaming at them to kill the beast. Edwin used the last of his power to throw a gigantic ice spear at the dragon, which pierced through it's chest. The dragon cried out in pain, desperately trying to break free from the vines that binded him. "Tordin, finish it!" he yelled.

Edited by twentynine29
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Tordin nodded, the healing spell replenished his stores of energy, He hefted up his hammer and took off at a charge, his wounds not healed but merely sealed, soon they will be scars on his flesh. He ignored the pain for the thrill of slaying a dragon filled him to the brim with excitement, killing Dragon Priests and Draugr to him were merely a part of his life's mission, slaying Dovah was his true heart's desire.


Tordin followed the crashing noise to find the dragon locked in battle with Edwin. Tordin growled and dropped his hammer. He began to roar as he called with all his might to the storms, lightning began to crack through the sky around the dragon. Then, as if from the gods themselves a massive bolt struck the beast, it cried out in extreme pain and fell to the balcony, charred and smoldering.


Tordin fell flat onto his back in exhaustion.


"I need some mead..." He said to himself as he slowly and painfully pulled himself up to his feet.


With a sudden wave of energy like a kick to the head the dragons soul vaporized it's flesh and entered Tordin's body, leaving only bleached white bones behind. Tordin stumbled back from the rush, it had been many, many years since he had taken a Dragon's Soul. The rush of images and knowledge flashed through his mind, stopping on a wall of Dragon Language, he could read them now, a wall he had sought out once in his life.


"Qu Strun Tu" He spoke, a bolt of lightning struck his hammer, charging it with the godly element. Tordin sliced at the air, the heavy hammer felt like it was no more then one of his old wooden practice swords. After a few minutes it died away and his hammer returned to normal. The Dragon's Soul had given him greater command over the storms once again.

Edited by Macman253
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(Macman, Abdul was never in the dragon's mouth)


With the dragon dead, Abdul released the roots of the Gildergreen. His amulet stopped glowing, but the excruciating pain of lifting the roots had taken its toll. The Argonian collapsed forward and fainted from fatigue.

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"Woah." Was all Teresse said. Tordin's storm magic was nothing, in Teresse's opinion, to Abdul's tactic. The entire root canopy attack was amazing. She fell back, covering her head as rubble rained down. The Valkyrie watched as the warriors dealt with the dragon, then as Tordin absorbed the soul. She herself wondered if Kynareth would give her such blessing, but Teresse wasn't going to bet on it.

She stumbled to her feet, looking skyward. For a moment, she swore a cloud had taken the appearance of Kirsi...

"Watching out for me now?" She whispered to the sky as the battle finally ended. She stood in silent prayer, drowning out the events around her.

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Sivari held on to the dragon's head like it was a wild horse, slashing it at with her knife. It's scales were thick, very thick, but she found that it did have weak points. Under it's eyes, it's nose, and the great ice-colored orbs themselves. Abdul's arrow thudded cleanly into the socket, while Edwin and Teresse heckled it's flanks, keeping it's attention diverted. The dragon roared to the heavens as Balgruuf and the others hugged the far wall, as far away from the fight as possible. Lizjotstrun struggled mightily against the roots binding him, leaving deep slashes with his free foot and twisting his neck to bite at the wood around his neck. But when the bolt came down, he gave a great scream and went limp, shaking occasionally as the electricity remained in his body.


Sivari, thrown by the bolt (part of it had conducted to her since she was standing on the dragon), picked herself up, every hair on her body standing straight in a severe case of static. She gave her arm a sniff and pulled a face. "Burnt fur." she growled, attempting to smooth down her pelt. When the body began to glow, as if being incinerated, she took a cautious step backwards. Energy flowed out from the bones to all the fighters, entering their amulets. Sivari gasped as a jolt of energy galvanized her brain. She felt tired and reenergized at the same time, and could feel her amulet warming again.


Balgruuf approached the group again, and was about to speak when his steward brushed past him, red in the face. "Look at this!" he began, gesturing to the wrecked palace. "The roof alone will take days to fix, especially since we'll have to recruit a whole new staff." He whirled on the warriors. "I should have you all thrown in--"

"Proventus?" came Balgruuf's quiet voice.

"Yes, my lord?"

"Shut. Up." The Jarl faced the group again. "A palace can be rebuilt. You all have given Whiterun something far more important today: Hope." He began walking towards the throne. "Proventus, take a note. Beginning now, these heroes are to be known as Thanes of Whiterun."

"But sir, they-"

"Not finished, Proventus. Furthermore, provided I can find a new kitchen staff, I will be throwing a feast in their honor tonight. The entirety of Whiterun is invited, although I would like to stress to them that news of Hevnoraak's defeat not leave the city. Oh, Alduin's spies will find out eventually, but for now, we should try to buy ourselves some time. And get a healer in here as well."

Proventus set his jaw, but bowed, then turned and walked out of the palace.


Balgruuf sat down in his throne, looking over the ruined great hall. "Here's a view I never thought I'd see again." he said quietly. Leaving him to think, Sivari went back to Edwin and Abdul, her last vestiges of magic already glowing in her hands. She turned Abdul on his back, giving his shoulder a gentle shake. "Abdul," she said, hoping to bring him back. "We did it." She healed his rib the best she could, then moved to Edwin, mending his injuries somewhat.


Utterly drained, she sat back, craning her head backwards and closing her eyes. "We just killed a Dragon Priest." she said quietly. "I suppose that puts us on Alduin's bad side. Think he'll send someone after us when he finds out about it?"


(Okay, because I wanted it to be fair when we fight dragons, the soul's power basically splits up into each character. What this power does is up you. Their amulet power can be increased, they can get a new power, learn a shout, anything that doesn't overpower them.


Also, do you guys want to do a scene at the feast where they decide where to go next, or work it out OOC? At the moment, I don't have any set plan for which place to go to next. Solitude will be last, of course, if we get that far. Also, since this Rp could get someone repetitive, you all are free to come up with events major and minor to keep things interesting. If you have a potentially large long-term plot idea, however, I'd like you to PM me or post it in here for the group to review, so we don't run into some sort of plot jumble.)

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(I'm voting for feast scene, we could develop our characters' personalities and opinions so they won't seem so dull. For your second question I have a few small ideas in mind such as:

-Faction involvement, such as alliances and rivalries.

-Side tasks

-Varied ways to defeat dragon priests instead of barging in and killing them.

-Random events both major and minor while traveling between holds.)


The dead dragon burst up into flames and it's essence was sucked into their amulets. He felt that same rush of adrenaline when he first donned the amulet, but not as powerful. When it ended, the amulet glistened bright on his neck before going dark again. By absorbing part of the dragon soul, he became slightly more powerful, he was quite satisfied by this. Using his improved magic, he helped heal the group's injuries along with Sivari. He was also quite pleased to hear that a feast is to be held in his and the group's honor. It has been so long since he last went to a celebration, though their next destination still needed to decide where to go next. Falkreath was the nearest hold from here, that he knew.

Edited by twentynine29
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(I like the feast idea. I would like it if we could travel to Riften next. One of my favorite cities in Skyrim.)


Abdul awakened, somehow on his back, to find Sivari looming over him, informing him that the battle had been won. They saved Whiterun. "We did?" He sat up, swiftly reminded of his broken rib. He clutched it in pain, wiping the blood that still oozed from his lip. Sivari managed to mend the bone back together, a task that brought new admiration for this hardy Khajiit.


He felt a sudden jolt of energy as a portion of the dragon's soul permeated over him. His mind was flooded with memories that were not his own. The amulet jerked with what seemed to be the worst recollections that this dragon experienced. An entire archive of trauma, pain, and nightmares invaded his mind; the most wrenching were the final moments of its life. He felt the roots as they wrapped around him, the ice as it pierced his body, splintering vein and bone alike; and as life itself escaped Lizjotstrun's grasp, the fear of death had so overwhelmed him, that it burned greater and brighter than the very flames that enveloped his body.


One specific memory, one that the Argonian never forgot, held special significance. Loneliness, anger, disappointment, bitterness...they all flashed before his eyes, windows into a life that felt strangely familiar. He was reminded of someone he once loved himself, someone that he cared so much for.


Abdul was absolutely horrified. With his body drained and broken, he slowly walked through the wreckage of Dragonsreach. The storm that gathered above had been banished, allowing the light of Aetherius to wash over his grim and filth. The Argonian threw open the doors of the hall, and without facing his companions, with as much as a "good job" or an "we did it", instead, he chose to descend those steps alone.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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(Maybe we could have something akin to the Heists in GTA V for a few dragon priests. We send people in to gain intel, then use what we know and make a plan. Whiterun was obviously a fluke, but we all have to do more then just charge in. Repetition can be easily avoided if people think and try hard enough.


I also second the feast. An RP with all combat and no comedy can become kinda boring.)


Teresse felt the soul enter her amulet. Unrelenting Force was at full power yes, so what would the soul do?

The answer, she soon found out, was Kynareth's second blessing - another shout.

"Alok Brit Ah."


Before Teresse, a ghostly figure materialized, then solidifed. Before her was a young woman with pointy ears, dark hair, purple eyes, and some tattoos on her face.

Teresse began to cry. "Kirsi."

The woman, presumably Kirsi, placed a finger on her lips. "No tears. Kynareth says she won't allow me out during battle, which I'm sure you'll be fine with."

The Valkyrie nodded mutely, then just broke down, not caring for appearance. "But why?"

The woman laughed. "Because. Everyone needs something to fight for."



(After looking and thinking, I went with giving Teresse a way to talk and interact with her wife, thus letting me break her shell and act more open. And I even kept it underpowered for the most part...since I don't think Dragonsrend will fly here xD or Storm Call.)

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