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Alduin's Rise


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-Factions would be awesome, I'll see if I can weave those in a little. We've got the vamps obviously, who we're probably gonna see more of >:3 Possibly the Theives' guild if we go to Riften (And I sort of want to Sivari to get the oppurtunity tp punch Brynjolf in the face.)

- Side tasks? Sure. I'll need to get a list of quests in each area the gang visits, if someone wants their character to do one, they can just find the right person and we'll go from there. Going through dungeons or ruins will be a bit difficult in terms of determining layout, but we'll deal with it.

-Yup, gotta find better ways to defeat them. We'll jump those obstacles when we come to them.

-Random events YES. Once Aldy knows who killed his Priest he's gonna be pissed. So watch the skies, travelers. And the road. And the shadows. And possibly those bushes behind you.



Sounds fun to me. I've never played the Grand Theft Auto games (too much of a goody-goody, stealing cars isn't my thing) but I like the idea of gathering information and then planning an attack. And your power is fine.




Feast it is, then. Awesome.)


She watched Abdul with concern as the dragon's power flooded him. It obviously pained him, mentally if not physically, which puzzled her. The blast had felt odd to her, but not painful. She cocked her head as he stood up and stalked out of the hall wordlessly, her brows drawing together. "What's wrong with him?" she muttered, half to herself, as she stood up and trailed him.


She slipped out of the doors, watching him walk down the stairs. Sivari caught up to him at the plaza, attempting to clap a hand over his shoulder and get him to stop. "Why are you so somber?" she asked. "We just saved this city."

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Abdul was shaken from his contemplation when a friendly hand descended over his shoulder. He was startled at first, relieved to know that it was only Sivari. There was worry in her voice, and it was only then when he realized the gravity of her question. It wasn't something that he was able, let alone, ready, to explain, at least not easily. There was a long pause. Looking past her, he stared at the ruined visage of the once mighty fortress that stood only feet away. With a heavy sigh, Abdul nodded his head, "I will tell you something that I have never told anyone before."



Abdul gestured Sivari to follow him as he took a seat on a nearby bench, "you may want to sit; this will take awhile." Branches hung above him, twisting up into knots in various directions. The Argonian felt like that too. His stomach tightened as he recalled the memories one by one; every fiber of his being jerked in the opposite direction, taking an immense amount of willpower to pull himself together. This was something that he had hoped to avoid, but she deserved to know.



"Sivari...what I'm about to say is very difficult. I never once imagined having to face this problem again. I buried it so deep within me, bottled it up for so long, that all my anger and hatred would consume it, and that would be the end of it. And yet, here I am again." He glanced over into her eyes, "But I know that you're someone that I can trust. You're a kind, giving soul." Clutching his chest, he continued, "Not many of us can say the same..."


Abdul paused again, reflecting on something that had crossed his mind. Slowly, thoughts turned to words as each painfully left his mouth, "I am a very old Argonian, Sivari. You cannot tell, but I've lived long before the Oblivion Crisis more than two hundred years ago. I am cursed by Sanguine to live this way until one specific day. On that day, I will be given a choice to make: I am to relinquish the "gift" of immortality; in exchange, one life will be sparred. If I refuse, my immortality will continue at the expense of their own."


His mouth trembled, his hands slightly shook; with tears welling up in his eyes, he continued in a weak, reluctant voice, "I didn't ask for this, I swear it. I-WE, were tricked, me and a dear friend of mine." As Abdul continued, he pulled a ring from his pocket, "Her name is Aphina. She is an Argonian from my time; her soul is trapped here, in this ring." He slipped the ring back from whence it came, "We've been friends for as long as I can remember. She saved me when I was but a mere boy, during my escape from the Dark Brotherhood. She led me from Morrowind back to Argonia, to a village not far from Gideon. Her father raised me as if I were one of his own, and together, we grew up there. My father was a blacksmith, but also, a very talented craftsmen- do you remember that ring?"


He glanced back slightly to see if Sivari was still listening, to see how crazy all of this must have sounded to her. "But one day, our village was attacked, but we know not by whom. If Aphina were here, she might have said it was him, just another part of the games he plays. I don't think it was, but we were the only survivors. Even her father didn't make it out; he was just...gone. From that day on, we sought to change our lives for the better. We traveled the entirety of Tamriel, searching for fortune and adventure, and by that time, we had fallen in love." The Argonian smiled fondly, resting his chin on his fists, "I remember when we went to Elsweyr; Aphina didn't like it too much, complained that the sun was too harsh on her scales. We were traveling with a caravan those days that she didn't quite trust. But they were a fair lot to me; never did wrong by us despite what Aphina thought. It didn't matter to me though. We could have been anymore in the world; I was just glad to be by her side on those chilly, desert evenings, close to one another in the sand, watching the stars and listening to the wind as it whispered to us. As we fell asleep, cradled in each others arms, we would sing to each other of times long since past: of her father and the village, and all the memories of Blackmarsh that made us smile."


A frown took its place, "I loved her so much Sivari, more than anything in the world, more than anyone can ever know. That's why when she fill ill, I wanted to do so much to save her..." Tears poured down his eyes, resentment and guilt clashing in his veins, "He appeared, with that damn, smug look on his face...." He briefly turned away, unable to face her, "...and it was then that he made me a deal. He said that he could save her, that he would spare her from death, but on one condition: he told me that if I really loved her, all I had to was wait. In my haste, I said that I would do anything to have my Aphina by my side again, and that's exactly what he wanted to hear. That...devil...he ripped the soul from her mortal body, flung it aside, and sealed her essence in my father's ring, using my own to prevent the undoing of his curse. When I asked him what he had done, Sanguine looked at me and laughed; 'I did what you asked my boy. All those years alive will give you time to think. Choose wisely, for only one can be saved. The other will be mine for all of eternity.' In that moment, he vanished, swearing to return on the day where a decision would have to be made. "


Abdul rose from the bench, his stomach sinking, his head reeling, "I could have stopped it Sivari if only I had let her go. I didn't want any of this, not for me...not for her..." He cupped his face between his hands, tears trickling through the cracks, "I'm such a fool, such a damn, damn fool...I would take it back if I could, I swear I would..." The sun shined on him, as if out if pity; angered, he gripped his amulet, staving off the urge to rip it from his neck, "but I can't...it's too late for that. There's nothing left for me to do but wait." Turning around, he gazed back up at Dragonsreach, then back to her, flushed with the bittersweet sense of victory, "And when that day comes, I know I'll make the right choice..."

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Edwin returned to the Dragosreach balcony. Hevnoraak's ashes were still there, untouched. In the ashes was a mask that survived. He pulled it out of the ashes and stared at it for a few moments. The magical power in the mask was very strong. He stuffed it in a large pouch on his belt! Keeping it as a trophy. When he came back to the main hall, he was just in time to see Abdul and Sivari leaving. Edwin left as well, but not to join them. His intentions were to spread the news of Hevnoraak's death.


Edwin stood boldly in front of the statue of Talos. He pulled the mask from his pouched, raised it into the air, and announced: "Attention everyone!" A good sized crowd gathers around the statue. "Hevnoraak lies dead on the Dragonsreach balcony! His draugr servants are back to what they're supposed to be! Rotting corpses! Jarl Balgruuf the Greater has finally returned after three long months, and is having a feast tonight at the palace!" The crowd bursts into a chorus of cheer and happiness. Edwin slams the mask on the ground and stomps in it, much to the people's enjoyment. Nords wildly celebrated along the streets of Whiterun. Edwin and the others were heralded as heroes and saviors. At sunset, the gates of Dragonsreach were open for the citizens of Whiterun. The long awaited feast has begun.

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Tordin left Dragonsreach, he did not care to feast he wanted to see if the forge he once worked was still in use. As he walked the streets and through the crowd of villagers cheering at the defeat of Hevnoraak, his wounds pained him greatly but they were minor, in a few days they would be healed and he would be back to fighting condition. As he entered the square he noticed the Gildergreen tree had nearly died, the last time he had laid eyes upon it, it was flourishing.


Tordin sighed and continued on. He climbed the steps to Jorrvaskr and looked upon the mead hall with a slight smile. He remembered when Ysgramor and his Five Hundred Companions fought, in Sovngarde he and Ysgramor often battled one another, the old warrior had taught him countless things and in many ways made his time in Sovngarde more tolerable, despite Tordin's differences with Shor, Ysgramor seemed to possess more wisdom them the belligerent divinity.


He climbed the steps to the Skyforge, the place where he forged Sahrot Strun Tu countless centuries ago. The forge he once worked so dutifully when Whiterun was just a simple village based around Jorrvaskr. He knelt down by the still glowing embers and lovingly patted the anvil, imbedded into the ancient metal was the symbol he had carved there in his youth. It was then that he heard the slight shuffling behind him. Tordin whipped around and raised his hammer to meet the assassin but instead of a shadow with a dagger he was met by a spirit in the form of a shrouded woman, she was transparent and when she moved she took vague form.


After a long moment he recognized her and dropped to a knee, he bowed his head.


"Lady Kyne..." He said with a slight smile. Kynareth smiled and motioned for him to stand. Tordin did so but kept his eyes to the ground.


'Tordin, I come before you now to bring you some advice.' Lady Kyne spoke, Tordin raised an eyebrow but remained quiet.


'I sense that you are conflicted, you dwell too heavily on the past my Thunderer.' She added as she took a step forward and lowered her hood. Her form as a wise old woman seemed to shift into that of a beautiful maiden, she became a solid form and placed a hand on Tordin's shoulder.


Tordin finally found his words and spoke. "I am not... adjusting well. The land I left had changed, Alduin rules and I cannot help but feel my death was in vain." Kyne smiled and raised his head with a finger to his chin.


'Tordin, your sacrifice couldn't have been more necessary. You gave your life to give mortal's a greater future.' Kyne replied, Tordin turned away and rubbed the stubble on his chin with his rough, calloused hand.


He had to admit she was right, if he did not die then Alduin would have ruled for the last several centuries, he sighed and somewhere inside he let go of what he once was. He was the Thunderer then and now he was just Tordin. He picked up his hammer and turned, Kyne stood there with three black and blue ingots, they were Aetherium ingots. The same ingots he used to make his hammer.


'Perhaps, you could use these... mortal kind needs it's Thunderer again, be the shield... not the hammer.' She spoke as she gave him the ingots. Tordin ran his hand along the smooth and perfect metal. He smiled and realized what he had to do, he looked up to thank Kyne but when he did so she had vanished. Tordin turned back to the forge and unclasped his cloak, he slid the ingots into the melting pots, he stoked the fire with the bellows, the Skyforge was built to build a blade in a single day instead of the vast amounts of time it would take normally.


After awhile the aetherium ingots had melted, he poured the molten metal onto the shield mold, it quickly cooled as he dipped it in the ice cold water, steam bellowed and hissed as ice and fire met. He grabbed it with a pair of massive tongs and placed the shield on the anvil, he raised his hammer high and as he brought it down a bolt of lightning struck it. He shaped the shield with hard repetitive strikes, turning the shield between each hit. He felt the centuries of animosity towards Shor and the gods shedding off of him between each strike.


After a grueling several hours, daylight began to break across the sky and Tordin was coated in soot from the charcoal and sweat from the exertion, but when he was done he removed the freshly made shield from the once cold water to wash the metal shavings away. The shield itself was carved with a series of intricate carvings, depicting the Worlds Tree, the trunk made of a mortal man and woman embraced with the branches and leaves flowering above them, the roots interwoven into the intricate edge of the shield, the carvings along it's edge depicted the Dragon Wars, from the first arrival of Alduin to his death at the hands of Tordin.


"You shall be the Aegis Of Man." He said with a slight smile as he strapped the shield across his back with a strap of leather, he left the Skyforge behind and made for the Keep, the feast would likely be over but he knew the battle had just begun.

Edited by Macman253
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(Hah, see, just had to wait a bit.


Also, I just want to put out a general announcement since we've had a few plot twists/additions being created (such as Abdul's ring and Tordin's new shield. I don't want to be a stick in the mud when it comes to upholding rules, I like to give players a loser rein. And so far, I haven't really seen anything that's been too godmode-y. But if you ever feel that someone else is grabbing a little too much power, you can either PM me and I'll voice your concerns for you, or we can discuss it in the OOC thread. Likewise, if you feel your idea wouldn't work well, tell me or put it in the OOC thread and we'll work it out. I would just hate to see this break apart because of some argument or another.


We now return you to your regularly-scheduled Rping.)


Sivari sat next to Abdul, blue eyes watching him with the masklike expression that many of her kind possessed. It was difficult to know what a Khajiit was thinking at any given time, although Sivari had never been as adept at concealing her emotions as some, and there was now a hint of concern in her gaze. She had only just met these people, but after toppling a Priest with them, she practically trusted them with her life. A fire-forged friendship, as the term went.

She listened as he spoke, ears pricked forward to hear every word. When he glanced at her, she nodded subtly, urging him to continue. Not even the mention of her ancestral home could induce a quirked smile. As he finished, her eyes flicked downwards as she thought, moreso to keep him from seeing the turbulent sea of emotion that raged in her gaze. It was a hard thing for her to digest. She had never met a Daedra in person until today with the spiders, much less a Daedric Prince, and she was glad for it. In the old stories, they were troublemakers, and the majority was basically evil to the core, seeing mortals as playthings to be tossed aside when they ceased to be amusing. Abdul's story confirmed this to her.

But she didn't blame Abdul. When she put herself in his place, tried to think as he would have, she could see his reasoning. He had been terrified for Aphina's life, and when Sanguine dangled the promise of her safety in front of him like a carrot in front of a horse, of course he would have taken it. She stood up, then suddenly wrapped him in a hug. "You did what you thought was right." she said. "Nobody can blame you for that." She released him, holding him at arm's length. "My kind have a saying: 'T'lei sesanna, Te' sesanni'. What has happened, has happened. You cannot change the past, you can only look to the future as a wiser being." She smiled gently. "Aphina would forgive you, I know she would."

She turned her head as Edwin's voice rang clearly across the plaza, followed by a chorus of cheering. "We should return to the palace and help get things ready for the feast. Getting the ash and corpses out of the great hall, for one thing."

--Timeskip to the feast--

Even on short notice, the feast turned out to be a grand affair. A huge fire roared in the central hearth in the hall, sending a wave a of warmth over the guests and staving off the cold that threatened to descend from the holes in the roof. Bards played merrily, finding new vigor now that they had cause to sing things other than laments. Everyone in Whiterun, from the lowliest beggar to the most distinguished noble was there, and many had brought their own dishes to add to the food prepared from the palace's stores. It was certainly more quantity and quality of food than caravaneer Khajiit was used to seeing, and she was finding it difficult to avoid squirreling away food for later in her satchel as she was used to doing (Nevertheless, that wrapped honey-nut treat was going to make a good snack on the road). The Battle-Borns and Grey-Manes had been seated at opposite ends of the hall, the initial speech had been given, and everyone had settled in for their first good meal in a long time. Putting down the goblet of mead she had been lapping at, Sivari looked over at Abdul and gave him a friendly smile, hoping that his spirits had been lifted somewhat by the good food, and then cast her eyes over to Teresse and Edwin, noticing that Tordin's seat continued to remain vacant. Where was that Nord?

She looked over to the end of the largest table as Balgruuf stood up again, holding his goblet high for a toast. "I'd like to take this opportunity to direct a heartfelt thanks to the brave heroes who rescued our city today. To the heroes of Whiterun!"

"To the heroes of Whiterun!" came the echoed shout from the guests. Sivari smiled privately, finding it incredibly amusing to be praised by non-Betmer instead of being cursed at by them.

"And, of course, to thank them for giving me this lovely gift to replace my old one." He swept his goblet up towards Lizjotstrun's skull, which now hung above his throne in the same place Numinex's once had, to a scattering of laughter. "I would also like to give them a gift that may help them in future endeavors." He directed his attention towards the heroes themselves. "They may have their pick of armor and weaponry from my treasury, and horses from my stables."

"That will certainly make reaching our next city easier," she said to her companions, taking out the map the old man had given them and spreading it on the table. She happened to glance towards Teresse, and was reminded of the dark elf that had previously accompanied them. Artago's corpse had been taken to be cleaned and prepared. At the crack of dawn tomorrow, he would be cremated on a pyre on Whiterun's plains with full honors, one of the few non-Nords to ever be so.

She traced a road with her finger. "We could go east to Riften, or southwest to Falkreath Hold. North looks like it cuts through miles of wilderness before reaching any cities at all, and far west we have the Reach, which I have heard is rather lousy with Forsworn at the moment." Her eyes traveled up to Solitude, where the Black King roosted. "And we would be fools to go against Alduin at this time." she said quietly.


(Weird text is weird because I wrote it in Word. Also, that Khajiit phrase was totally made up. There's like, no good sources of kitty language.


Also, I'm going up to Baltimore for a couple days, just a heads-up.)

Edited by FennecFyre
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Startled, Abdul froze as he suddenly found himself in Sivari's embrace. For all his years, the Argonian had forgotten the simple nature of a hug, what it meant to fall in someone's arms in times of need or companionship. Who was there for him when he wept without his love? Who felt pity when he was alone, without a soul to speak to? Who bothered to give a damn? No one. But this Khajiit, Sivari, in hardly knowing him, opened her heart to who was but a stranger. She showed empathy, she showed loyalty...she cared, when she didn't have to. He was incredibly touched. And in that moment, Abdul realized that he cared about her too.


Wrapping his arms around her, Abdul couldn't help but feel relieved. Finally, someone understood his pain. When she pulled away, he didn't say anything; he was caught up in his thoughts, considering her advice as she spoke.


During the feast, the Argonian sat in relative silence; he hadn't even touched the food laid out in his honor. He knew it was rude, especially in a court of any kind, but the Argonian wasn't in much of a mood to dine. Instead, for most of the night, he drowned out the guests, staring at the ring cradled in his fingers. He had dwelled so much on the past, blinded as for what the future held. Perhaps it was time to smile again. Perhaps he could give it a try. But just as was about to let go, a conversation from across the table had caught his attention.


"There are many stories about them." Abdul glanced up as the Jarl spoke, a cup of wine precariously perched from his fingers, "Very powerful- considerably so."


"They say that one has been found here, in Skyrim." One added, met by a melody of disagreement among his peers.


"The lad isn't bluffing," said the Jarl, quelling the crowd, "and I hear it's bound for the Imperial City itself. Can you imagine?" He glanced over, catching Abdul's spying eye, "Cheer up my boy!" He raised a glass, "Today's a day to remember!"


It was then that he gave his speech. Abdul looked over as Sivari smiled at him. He smiled back, placing the ring in his pocket. He thought it over, and when the words of the Jarl settled in his mind, Abdul certainly agreed, "It is, you're right." The Argonian nodded his head, "Considerably so..."

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Teresse had hidden in a corner with a plate of food and two drinks. She and Kirsi were just cuddling. The elf-eared woman was always the one who wore the pants, and she had to almost feed Teresse herself for a bit. But it gave them something to laugh about, and soon enough, Teresse, belly full of food and drink, fell asleep on Kirsi's lap. The woman stroked her hair...and Teresse dreamed.


Screams and shouts cut across the air. The buffeting wingbeats dragons kept them almost kneeling. The roars of the beasts shook the city, and mortar showered. Above them, on the bridge, was one dragon. It opened it's mouth to roar, but there she was. Stabbing it through the roof of the mouth, Teresse felt herself flow with power. Manipulating the winds, she charged at another, Kynareth's breath throwing her forward.

As another was slain, she turned to watch as her companions held their own. She watch as Abdul summoned roots again, as Sivari and Edwin uses trickery and magic. As Tordin smashed stuff with his hammer.

Then the mighty roar of Alduin caused the very sky to darken. Meteors fell upon Solitude, and Teresse cried out. The winds threw her skyward, and she felt the power of Shor enter her.

Armor and wings at full breadth, she crashed against Alduin, and together they danced across the sky in a dance of death, lightning striking him as Tordin joined.


But in the end Teresse struck the final blow. As she flew above, watching his body fall, Alduin's soul absorbed by them all and his skin incinerate...


She woke up. Shooting up into a sitting position, she kinda flailed. To be frank, she looked like a child waking up from a pretty violent dream.

Kiris bonked the back of her head. "Calm down."


Teresse looked back sheepishly, blushing. "Sorry..."
"Least it wasn't a nightmare." Her wife said. "Now calm down, before people stare."


A soft kiss to her cheek, and Kirsi watched as Teresse settled against her shoulder again. "I wish you could stay."

"You need to live without me for a bit."

"I don't like doing that."

"Yeah, well, you'll have to. And if you don't come back to the Hall of Valor dragging Alduin's head, I'm going to be mad."

"Yes ma'am." Teresse said playfully, before closing her eyes, and this time, luckily, falling into a dreamless, welcome sleep.

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During the feast, Edwin slouched in his chair feeling ecstatic. He had a rather large plate of food which he ravenously ate. He was also satisfied by his place at the center of attention. He eagerly chatted his lungs out with the other party-goers, nobles and peasants alike. It sure was pleasant to be at a party again. The food, the music, and the delicious wine, it was pure nostalgia to him. With all of the people around him, it would be much easier to gain information of the other holds and dragon priests. "So what's there to know of the other holds?" An elderly nobleman spoke up, casually leaning on the wall.


"Well if you're wondering which hold to liberate next, Falkreath seems like a nice idea. It's closer to us, and the dragon priest there, Krosis, is the least experienced. However, because of his inexperience he is under close watch by Alduin. On the other hand, if you go to Riften, I'm sure the Thieves Guild will be willing to help if they're still active. But I have to warn you though, I hear the dragon priest, Rahgot, is a frequent practitioner of human sacrifice, don't take this one lightly."


Edwin took a moment to consider this. It was a difficult decision. Five minutes later, he gave up and decided to hold on to that thought in his head. This was the time to have fun and he was going to use it wisely. Soon enough, he was celebrating like a Nord. That is until he got so drunk he passed out on the middle of the floor.

Edited by twentynine29
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