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Alduin's Rise


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Raj sat in the corner chair of the Bannered Mare, his hand wrapped around a tall steel flagon of rum, his scimitar resting on the wall behind him. The grizzled pirate looked up as the female khajiit approached and nodded in response to her question. Raj waved for her to take the seat next to him and took a drink of his rum.


"I am, you 'ere to join my crew?" He asked as he took the fat bottle of Stros M'kai rum and poured her a cup and slid it to her.


Raj was not tall for his race, most Redguards were known for their tall stature but instead Raj was fairly lean, he looked more like a man that spent his life aboard a ship then a warrior. Even under the leather great-coat he appeared to be rather fit. Tucked into a leather holster on his belt was a hand-bow, a hand held crossbow that appeared to be of Dwemer origin.


"Well, tell me why you 'tink that you are fit to join my crew?" Raj asked the Khajiit as he eyed her, sizing her up. "It's no easy task.. gotta be fair with a rope, sure footed and quick cause Dragons move faster anything else out there."


(twenty, the Jazeera is close to the size of a sloop, it isn't very big but it is fast. It wasn't built to slug it out with other skyships, it was designed for a small crew compliment with long distance travel and moderate firepower)

Edited by Macman253
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"What do you mean it's not possible?!"


"Keep your voice down!" The Grey Fox peered over his shoulder nervously, "I can't, Abdul..."


The Argonian crossed his arms, "You can't, or you don't want to?"


"It's not that I don't want to Abdul. You have to realize..." As he turned away in disgust, the thief hurried to stop him, "you have to realize that what you're asking is insane..." He threw off his hand as he reached for his arm, "suicide, at best."


Abdul flew around in a rage, "But you did it once before!"


"But it wasn't me! By Nocturnal, many times do I have to say it!?!" There was a period of silence as a terrible tension stood between them, a tension so great that it threatened to throw a rift between them. Finally, with an aggressive sigh, Abdul turned to face him, "What in Oblivion happened to you? You were once the most powerful man in the empire, even more so than the Septiems themselves! And you're saying that it's impossible? There's absolutely nothing we can do?"


"What can I say, Abdul? Perhaps." The Grey Fox sat on a nearby rock, suspended in thought, "But there's only so much that my organization can do with what little we know. We're living in troubled times."


"Well, what do you know?"


He looked up, "Other than that it's a powerful pen?" Looking down, he shook his head pitifully, "Not much I'm afriad."


"And there's no one that can help me?"


"If I don't know it, then no one else will, no. All I can tell you is that six carts are leaving this month. One from Solitude, Dawnstar, Windhelm, Riften, and two from Whiterun, perhaps splitting when they cross the Jerall's."


Abdul gazed at the city intently, burning with purpose, "You think it could be one of them?"


"It very well could be. But honestly, who in Oblivion knows? It could be a distraction; the pen might even be a fake, planted there to throw us off. There are too many variables for a definitive answer."


"So I have to get lucky?"


The Grey Fox nodded, "You have to get lucky."


Abdul noticed as an odd looking object drifted through the twilight towards Whiterun. As he set off to investigate, the Argonian wished him farewell in the best way that he knew how, "Very well. So it shall be."


As he re-entered the city, Abdul's eyes fell upon a skyship of a cyclopean size. Ignoring it for now, he noticed as a Redguard strode into the Bannered Mare, with Sivari not too far behind. Climbing the steps, he pushed the doors out of his way and noticed the two engaged in conversation. The corsair's question drew him closer.


Abdul approached, "You'd be stupid if you didn't."

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Sivari sat, accepting the flagon of rum but not drinking just yet. She liked her spirits as much as anyone, but she still had a faint headache from last night. Besides, it was a little early in the morning for rum. She considered his question briefly, realizing that she was going have to present a convincing case if she was going to get herself and her companions taken on as sky-sailors. "Quick-footed I am." she said, "and while I have little experience with vessels, naval or flying, I'm a quick learner. As are the rest of my companions." She turned her head as Abdul entered the inn, joining them. In the bank of her mind, this struck her as a bit fishy. Hadn't he said he was staying at the Bannered Mare? So why had he come through the door, instead of down the stairs? She shook off the question as being ridiculous. Perhaps he had just gone for a walk.


"I will be truthful with you." she said to Raj. "My friends and I need swift passage around Skyrim, and your ship fits the bill. We're not in trouble with the law, not the rightful law, at least." She hesitated for a moment, then pulled out her amulet and held the tangle of silver in her palm, trying to draw strength from it's bright gleam. Her voice dropped low. "We're on a quest to take down Alduin."

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Teresse looked down. She was feeling a bit lonely, but...she couldn't feel the words again. Maybe she would. Maybe.

Leaping down after making sure the amulet was around her neck and all her things were packed, Teresse landed behind the fire and stood. No one really batted an eye, and she headed for the exit. Stretching, Teresse pushed out of Dragonsreach and jogged down the stairs.

She glanced at Heimskar. Sighing, she ducked into the Temple of Kynareth. Kneeling in the center, she entered silent prayer to her patron.

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(NONONO I am here, I promise!


See, I noticed that we sort of went quiet during Thanksgiving. That didn't alarm me, I figured most of you were traveling. I intended to revive this afterwards, but then school reared it's ugly head (AP Biology, people. It's a demon.) and I didn't have a chance. BUT NOW I AM BACK AND WE SHALL CONTINUE THIS!


Mac, I think it's your turn with Sivari, Abdul, and Raj, and I need to think of something for Teresse, Tordin, and Edwin to do so you guys don't feel left out...Where are your characters at the moment?)

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