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CTD'ing on Fresh Install with relatively 'few' mods.


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Okies... so i have a new computer, new install of Skyrim.. and only a few mods... yet I am having CTD issues i never had on my old computer with tones of mods on it. And what's really annoying about these CTD's. is they seem to be totally random. I'll CTD when hitting Tab to bring up the skills/spells/items menu, I'll CTD when approaching towns, or trying to enter a building... ive even CTD's simply by walking 5 ft.


Anyone have any idea at all as to what might be causing this?


Load Order:


Lanterns Of Skyrim All in One Main.esm
HighRez Texturepack01.esp
HighRez Texturepack02.esp
HighRez Texturepack03.esp
Unnofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
Unnoficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
Unnoficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
Unnoficial Dragonborn Patch.esp
Unnoficial High Rez Patch.esp
Lanterns of Skyrim - CoT3.1 Preset by EvilWolf2.esp
dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp
The Ningheim.esp
The Nigheim - Followers.esp
My Home is Your Home.esp
Run for your Lives.esp
When Vampires Attack.esp
SBF All in One + DLC.esp
Crazy Hairs-byzzjay.esp
Fh hairs-byzzjay.esp
TravellersofSkyrim-The Ningheim Addon.esp
Convenient Horses.esp
Dread Huntress Armor.esp
Ghorza's Armor.esp
Blindfolds of Skyrim.esp
Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp
Svs Gollection Jewelry.esp
Female Warewolf.esp
Crossbows Basic Collection EN.esp
Dread Knight Weapon Set.esp
Yea it may look like a 'lot'.. but most of those are multiple esp's fro the same mods (like CoT's 5 for the lighting)
Anyone see anything that would lead to CTD's on menu opening, walking towards towns, or entering buildings?
Thanks for any help!
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Do you have a lot of texture mods installed as well? Those wouldn't necessarily appear in a load order export, as very few such mods require plugins. But rendering a lot of high resolution textures, particularly high def landscape textures and LOD enhancements, have brought my rather beefy machine to it's knees many a time if I'm not careful with what they're running alongside.


First I'd try installing the ENBoost, if you haven't already. It does wonders for reducing such issues. Not everyone sees a difference, but I know I have on my most recent playthrough - and mine is also relatively "mod lite" this time around (~70 plugins as opposed to the normal ~150). You can find the ENBoost here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38649//?


If that doesn't work, take a look at what texture packs you have installed, and see if there are "lesser" versions of them. I did this with a rock texture pack I had; I went from 4K to 2K textures, and it increased my frame rate considerably - almost 5fps in most areas.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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Do you have a lot of texture mods installed as well? Those wouldn't necessarily appear in a load order export, as very few such mods require plugins. But rendering a lot of high resolution textures, particularly high def landscape textures and LOD enhancements, have brought my rather beefy machine to it's knees many a time if I'm not careful with what they're running alongside.


First I'd try installing the ENBoost, if you haven't already. It does wonders for reducing such issues. Not everyone sees a difference, but I know I have on my most recent playthrough - and mine is also relatively "mod lite" this time around (~70 plugins as opposed to the normal ~150). You can find the ENBoost here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38649//?


If that doesn't work, take a look at what texture packs you have installed, and see if there are "lesser" versions of them. I did this with a rock texture pack I had; I went from 4K to 2K textures, and it increased my frame rate considerably - almost 5fps in most areas.

Hmmm just removed the ENB files i had installed (well i think i got all of them at any rate!).


Gonna play with it like this for a bit and see if i keep CTD'ing.


Was an ooold ENB file (The Wilds).. so the age of it may be what was causing problems.... Old files cause i couldnt find a 'updated' version on Nexus.. had to go to some other website to get it :blush:

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Replace your load order with a BOSS log (with the messages), include the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated. Enclose them in a set of spoiler tags so they won't clutter the screen. And answer the following:


- have you tweaked or edited the game ini files?

- list any mods you use which do not come with plugins and would not appear in a BOSS log (e.g. body or texture replacers).

- how frequent are the CTDs? Where/when/what were you doing? Describe in great detail as many of them as you can remember, and mention any detail that might suggest a 'pattern' of some kind.

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Did another clean install.. was a bit more carefull with the textures i loaded (keeping them only on my character + followers...) no crashing sofar. :blush:


Thanks for mentioning the ENB Boost thing Hyac, When i was looking threw all it solved, and it mentioned texture crashes, it reminded me of a problem i had with Milly's Maniguins Look Like You mod. and a house i had with 6 maniquins in it.. the 6+ manaquins, all with my high-rez texture, would cause CTD's if to many followers were also in the house at the same time.

Edited by ShadowWolf81
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