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Replacer Model Crashes Game


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So I decided that I wanted to remove the horns on the Stahlrim Light Helmet recently and I've not had much issues with performing the task and things. As I have successfully removed the horns via 3ds Max 2012 64bit, and I followed this guide http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L40qoiuUXL4&feature=player_embedded and I'm using the correct plugins from this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/40209/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D40209&pUp=1 file.

I followed the guide extremely closely, although the guide was before the CK was released, I believe I have everything set as I needed and this is the result http://i.imgur.com/XUf8BrS.jpg. I'm quite pleased and I probably will touch up the textures that seem a bit out of place but I'm quite pleased how it looks in Nifskope.

However, I have come across a potentially game destroying issue. While in game or the creation kit viewing this helmet completely crashes both. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong but I know it has something to do with how it is set in Nifskope. I have run into quite a few issues already with importing and exporting .obj and .3ds files before I ended up following the tutorial and doing what it says.

I'm wondering if anyone has an idea what could be causing this issue or provide help in anyway.

My slow progression - 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> CTD

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Everything done in the video seems good and is about the same way I do my stuff so I couldn't really figure out anything that might have gone wrong. But after seeing your 1-4 pictures it looks allot like vertices being f*#@ed up (since theres parts of the helmet going everywhere). So far I've only seen this when you make a not matching _0 and _1 version of an armor. I don't know if the Stahlrim Light Helmet has a weight slider but if it does you might want to redo either the _0 or _1 version.

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There isn't any _0 or _1 versions, it's just one nif. Removing the horns brought the helmet down in vertices quite a bit but if you look at the last image there is no issues with the vertices but the helmet isn't remotely close to being attached to the head.

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Of course,


1. Load the .nif with skeleton in 3ds max.

2. Go to the "Modify" tab in the upper right corner.

3. Select "Editable Mesh".

4. Select "Element" underneath "selection".


5. Select the parts you want to delete and press delete.

6. Export (I always use these settings).



7. Load both your newly made helmet and the original one in nifskope.

8. Delete the "BSLightingShaderProperty" from your new helmet.

9. Copy the "BSLightingShaderProperty" from the original helmet and paste it on the new helmet (simply select "NiTriShape" hit Ctrl+V, it should pop up underneath it).

10. Go to "BSDismemberSkinInstance" and check if the "Body Party" is still 131 (Hair).

11. Save your file and place it in the correct file in your Data folder ("Data\meshes\dlc02\armor\stahlrimlight\m", if I'm correct).


Thats about it, hope it helped!

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Thank you so much, I can't believe of all the combinations I've tried I didn't try that one. I have made at least 20 different helmets via that tutorial but I guess I never removed only the BSLightingShaderProperty. Thanks again.

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