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anyone knows this mod?


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A give up mod? Really? Who would make such a thing in the first place.

Better to just revisit your last save and go from there.

Worse yet would be if the "give up" mod let you keep everything - because any enemy is going to strip you of every component of warfare - bar none. Not even the Raiders are that stupid not to.

Worse even still is if I wanted them to loot me - yet keep me alive - in a looter-shooter....

Edited by fraquar
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I believe that in this instance, if you give up, you lose EVERYTHING..... (which would make sense.... of course, I would expect raiders to just outright kill you, given the opportunity, same would go for any other faction that you have pissed off....)


Though, it could be fun going back there, and reclaiming your equipment. (from their cold, dead bodies, of course. :) )

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