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slow download speed on my pc only


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Country: UK

Internet Service Provider (ISP): Virgin Media

Average Download Speed (non-Nexus downloads): 10MB/s

Download tests:

  • Amsterdam: 2.2 MB/s
  • Prague: 1,490 KB/s
  • LA: 384 KB/s
  • Chicago: 565 KB/s
  • Miami: 460 KB/s
  • Premium CDN: 2MB/s

Download Links:

Large File: https://premium-b.nexus-cdn.com/110/607/COMPLETE%20FULL-607-1-7.zip?token=FRnEgD1zzcTai0dcGoJz6A&expires=1639201155&user_id=129128773&rip=

Small File: https://cf-files.nexusmods.com/cdn/1704/1137/Ordinator%209.31.0-1137-9-31-0-1635693140.zip?md5=c1IvX9trMOg1vd6YR-UTaA&expires=1639201202&user_id=129128773&rip=

Tracing route to files.nexus-cdn.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 2 ms 6 ms 2 ms
2 * * * Request timed out.
3 16 ms 29 ms 26 ms brhm-core-2b-xe-022-0.network.virginmedia.net []
4 * * * Request timed out.
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 21 ms 23 ms 36 ms m686-mp2.cvx1-b.lis.dial.ntli.net []
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 * 24 ms 24 ms us-nyc03a-rd1-xe-0-0-2-8.aorta.net []
9 48 ms 40 ms 41 ms nl-ams14a-ri1-ae-8-0.aorta.net []
10 36 ms 35 ms 38 ms nl-ams14a-ri1-ae29-cdn77.aorta.net []
11 37 ms 40 ms 37 ms vl201.ams-dc1-dist-1.cdn77.com []
12 47 ms 40 ms * unn-195-181-173-81.datapacket.com []
13 * 35 ms * unn-195-181-173-81.datapacket.com []
14 * 28 ms * unn-195-181-173-81.datapacket.com []
15 28 ms * * unn-195-181-173-81.datapacket.com []
16 * 29 ms * unn-195-181-173-81.datapacket.com []
17 * * 24 ms unn-195-181-173-81.datapacket.com []
Trace complete.


I've been having issues with my download speed on nexus from only my PC for months, my download speed rarely goes above 2.5 mb/s. I tried starting a download on my phone and it reached speeds of 15mb/s which is what i expect the speed to be at on my pc. why is the speed seemingly capped on my pc but not on other devices? I've tried using a VPN on my pc but that didn't help.

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If you're able to get 15MB/s on your mobile when connected to the same network then it sounds like a PC problem. If your PC is wired directly into the router maybe the cable needs replacing? Or as HeyYou said, there could be some kind of software getting in the way.

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