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Fatigue Effects


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Does anyone else remember rohverK's fatigue effects mod? I lost it awhile back and found it on Arwen's mod list. When I went to it's link, it sent me to a file hidden page. As it turns out, all of rohverK's content is now hidden. I don't know if I'm just reading something wrong or if he/she is really done with modding, but I'd appreciate it if someone could reupload this mod. As far as I know, no other mod actually makes it so you can't run without stamina, but if anyone knows a better solution, I'm all ears. Thanks!

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I've never seen it, but I would be interested.


You could try TES Alliance, AFK Mods or even (gulp) Steam Workshop! :sick:


There are other mod sites as well so, if all else fails, you could try and Google it.



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Thanks but I've tried google to no avail. I might try the rest. As for the heart rate mod, I'll have to give it a try. My main immersion concern was having a character that couldn't go on runing or fighting forever; a lack of stamina disables running, jumping, etc.

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Yeah, I tried Google, got about six hits (apart from Arwen's site, the Nexus and this thread), half were in Japanese and one was for a heavy industrial plant manufacturer in India! And any links there were went to the nexus Hidden page.


That mod is well and truly gone, I'm afraid.

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