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Lights only turn on when I get close to them


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I experienced this bug a few years ago and solved it but now its back and of course I cant remember the solution.


I am experiencing a bug where the ambient light from a light bulb for example won't light up until I get close to it within a certain distance.


For example, in Sanctuary you can see the big red rocket in the distance, and the lights that illuminate it won't actually light up until after I cross over the bridge.


Also in diamond city, it happens a lot where I will run around the city and the lights above Myrna's shop or Penny's shop or in front of Bobrov's tavern won't light up until I get within 10 feet of them or so. And then if I run around diamond city and run back to Myrna's area, the lights there won't illuminate at all no matter how close I get to them.


I use LOOT to sort the load order. I tried creating a new game and then running to diamond city to see if the problem persists, and the problem remains. I also tried completely deleting my fallout4ini, fallout4prefs and fallout4custom ini's and then loading the launcher so they get recreated, and tried setting all settings to ultra but the problem persists.


Any solutions please? I tried search engines but i keep getting hits for how to connect settlement lights etc which dont seem to apply to my problem.


Any recommendations for me to try are greatly appreciated.


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Solved my own problem. It was Femsheppings Mega Surgery Center Renovation mod that was the culprit. Uninstalled it and problem solved for Diamond City.


The lights not turning on for the Red Rocket until crossing over the bridge is a separate problem. Maybe a limitation of the game, but if anyone knows a setting in one of the ini's that extends that range where the lights come on from a certain distance, I would like to hear it.

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