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Upgrading PC fine with Modlist?


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Hey guys,

if i would be upgrading my system... PSU, CPU, GPU and Mainboard (leaving me essentially only with my SSD i guess^^)

Would that be a problem for my modlist? Or could i just continue? (I dont have a savegame yet.)

I guess if i would just delete the .ini F4 would react to the new specs?

Best wishes!

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You are going to need to reinstall your O/S, therefore, you will need to reinstall your games, and everything that goes along with them as well. Installing Steam, and then games, edits the windows registry, reinstalling windows means you are starting with a clean slate, and none of those entries will be there.


On the other hand, you could *try* and see if the current windows installation will boot on the new hardware........ It might actually work, but, it is NOT recommended. Tends to lead to "mystery issues" later. :D


Best choice: Back up your data, mods, etc, wipe the drive, reinstall windows, reinstall whatever else you need, play. :D It's an exercise, but, it avoids trying to troubleshoot mystery issues later on down the line.

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