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General Lucid Dreaming Discussion Thread


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So for the last 5 years I've been interested in self-inducing lucid dreams, but I never seem to have any luck. I think it's because of my lack of a dream journal, but I have had somewhere between 2 and 5 as far as I can remember.


Are there any LD'ers here in the Nexus? If so.. Share your tips, your experiences (try to keep it SFW of course), your preparations, thoughts, etc.


I'm curious to learn from you guys, and I'm sure we can all learn from one another.


So, talk about lucid dreams!



But I'll start this thread off, how do you prepare to achieve lucidity? What are your most effective routines? What would you suggest to someone who wants to be able to do this often?

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I had a dream that i once got punched in the head by someone, as the arm and fist drew near i woke up just before impact. Funny thing was it was my brain telling me i had a huge migraine headache as i woke up, or was that the dream caused it ?????.. :D :pinch:


It certainly felt like one :ermm:

Edited by Thor.
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Yeah i've dreamed knowing it wasn't real, but it hasn't happened in a while and wasn't very interesting...so I don't really have much interest in doing it again. I prefer my totally surreal dreams that would have analysts driven mad :D

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I've had only a few lucid dreams, and they haven't lasted very long. I can particularly remember one dream when - upon realizing that I was in a dream - I had telekinetic powers. I briefly had the ability to fly and lift water out of a swimming pool with my mind. And that's unfortunately the coolest it ever got.


From what I know, keeping a dream journal is definitely the biggest step if you want to lucid dream. Immediately after waking up, you should try to recall the dream you had and write it down. I've also heard that possibly writing messages or symbols on your hand can serve as a sort of reminder about whether you are actually awake or not. Repeating the task enough could cause whatever symbol or message you've written down to actually appear in your dreams, which should hopefully evoke the question, "Am I dreaming?"


I could probably use some more lucid dreams. I have dreams of being chased or hunted far too much.

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  • 2 weeks later...
From what I know, keeping a dream journal is definitely the biggest step if you want to lucid dream.


Written language exists for a reason, because we as humans can't remember anything. Writing things down improves memory, I can't explain the science behind it too accurately. There are several dream journal apps available for smartphones. Mine is simply titled, "Dreams Diary". For me, my dreams have not become much more lucid over the past year since I have started, but when I look back on entries sometimes, I notice a pattern. For example, by reading my own journal entries, I've noticed that my platoon leader was in many of my dreams. I also dream about my estranged younger brother and mother a lot.

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