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Skill cap and stat cap, do they exist?


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We all know the screen only show 10 and 100 for stat and skill. But do they go beyond that cap?


They do seem to register under the 0 threshold. I player.modav guns/unarmed/explosives/ -70 twice so they show the threshold as 0. Then I use a bunch of aid items to raise one skill to about 50 buff, but they still show as 0. I test with player.modav explosives 70 once and it raise to some one digit figure.


So I am curious, Skill cap and stat cap, do they exist? I mean, they might or might not show effect on screens, but under the hood, do they go beyond the caps?

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They have no functional effect outside of their visible values


However, they're still counted and can thus fortify that stat from being drained. (Or preventing it from being raised above 1.)


So if you had a Guns Character with the Hot Blooded trait for example, it would be optimal to save a Guns Skill book to use at 100 skill, thereby preventing the Agility debuff from reducing your Guns skill.

Edited by Radioactivelad
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Interesting point~ Sometimes there's stat debuff (like super stimpack debuff as one example) that can be quite annoying.


An example of over 100 stat is poisonresist. I play FNV/TTW, mojave side, to completion and move over to capital wasteland. As such, my player.getav poisonresist show 134. (I had to modav poisonresist -111 just so it's lower to vulnerable range so poison would start to have effect)

Edited by laclongquan
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