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Screwed Up earlier. A way to fix?


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So I always seem to free slaves when I see them and have the correct key. Anyway I set Dahleena (Think thats the name, the one that shuts the mines down for a few days) free early in the game, when I was looking for the agents. Now Im on the House quests, where I have to halt the mining. I tired fixing this a few times. I first planted the NPC (since she was gone cause I freed her) then I added the topic of Corruption to the list. Got the info from her to go to the hall and get the book from the chest, did that, then I went back to the House and tried to continue on, but Garisa Llethri keeps telling me to look for the book, and to ask questions. Ive done what I need, I have the secret ledger, yet he wont take it. Any Ideas here? I know this is how I have to do it, according to a walkthrough (checked one when I got stuck on this). Thanks.


well 18 views, and no response :/ figured this would be a good place to put it since they list and detail all the console commands. Is there one to rest an event? Cause I freed the slave early, so If I can reset it, and refree the slave. It will add to my journal that the mines will stop for a few days. Although I still cant get the one guy to take the damn book.

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As for your problem, I think the reason people aren't answering is because there may well not be an answer. You used the console to screw around with the quest which could have easily broken it. :/

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