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Textures Showing Through Walls


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I have too many mods to mention, graphic mods, content mods, weapon mods etc. If someone needs a list I can provide it but maybe the problem can be resolved without it. 2 years ago or so, I modded out New Vegas, I did a playthrough, no issues, looked great etc. I decided to play again, and at first everything looked fine, played fine. However, anytime I go underground into a cave (doesn't seem to be an issue in buildings) I can see textures through walls or obstacles. Examples would be: Seeing the Blood Pool under a skeleton (but not the skeleton) through barrels it is behind, seeing graffiti on a wall through a wall (like its in the next room) seeing barrel fires through walls but not the barrel its self, and also getting rectangle, messed up water and rock textures that float along with my player character. If I keep going things get worse, like my weapon tuns translucent, I can see its outside and inside... its wierd. If I go back outside, everything is fixed and all looks good again, game plays fine. This happens with standard caves and with the caves AWOP adds to the game. Any ideas? I upgraded my GPU from a 1080 to a 3070 Ti, but other than that the computer is the same.

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Thanks. This lead me to the fix. The Fallout.ini and Fallout prefs.ini changed (I assume it did change with the new GPU? I dunno) which put it out of sync with the ENB I had, I assume. Anyway I changed settings in both and it fixed things.

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