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Images on mod pages


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I've noticed that all the images on my mod page have disappeared recently. All of them were stored as images on the nexus, and I haven't changed the BB code at all, so what gives? Did the nexus rename the image files and I missed it?


Also, does this happen often? The only reason I bother hosting the images on the Nexus was to avoid this, and to avoid the site making extra outside content requests (yay bandwidth saving!).

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Here is one of my pages:



But, it has happened across all of my mod pages, which all follow the same general format.


Since that page is the most complex I'll post that one's BB code:



I'd post it directly, but this page tries to interpret the code as well and so doesn't show the source

Edited by BW117
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Not to long ago my avatar randomly vanished in a similar manner, I was planning on changing to a new one anyways so it was no big deal, but I can see where this is far more annoying.


I can confirm the images are broken on the description page of your mod as well, so it's not just something on your end.


Also, for posting code directly, use code tags, like this without the * in it



you might also want to use spoiler tags if it's really long,


Like this; This also gives you an example of the 'code' tags I was talking about.






Edited by ArtMurder
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Ok yes, if you were linking directly to images you've uploaded then the URL has changed as we're now using 2 static content servers with different URLs. This is the first time we've changed the URL for the images and it'll probably be the last for quite some time.

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