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Nexus Mod Manager Request


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I think this option would be great in the Nexus Mod Manager.


To be able to export your mod list in a word document so you can copy paste your list of mods and send to people or post in various skyrim / Reddit / fan Forums.


Basically be able to copy your mod list in NMM and show the list.

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This would also be great for people like me, who change playthroughs and characters fairly often but like going back every now and then. Getting the same mods list running can be difficult sometimes.


You can already export your load order, but that only copies the plugin names, not the mods they come from. I second this request.

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This has been there for quite a while. On the Plugins - the first white icon - export current load order. Select export to the clipboard Your mod load order will be copied in text format to your Windows clipboard.

Go to where you want to put it - any site, in an email or in a post on the forums - position your cursor where you want it to start and either press Ctrl-V or paste. - and your current load order is there.


To save for your own use - use the export to a text file and save it to a folder.


Sometimes the name in the load order is not the same as the name from the mod you download though. For instance there is one in my list that is 'my plugin.esp' a very poor name choice.

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