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Save file question


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Hey, I have a question regarding Morrowind save files and quests.


I recently started a new character as I downloaded quite a few mods and my old one would be useless. I have since found more mods that I want to add, but I would like to start a new game to get the fullness of it all. The new save I recently created isn't too far in, but it's far enough that it will be a hassle to get back to where I was.


I was wondering if there was a way to transfer quests completed/started, items and stats on that save to a new one. I know I can just continue with the mods, but many of the new ones I knew about but recently found are mostly beauty packs and I would like to further customise my character.

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I dunno if this is what you are thinking about, but theres a mod that lets you go to a Kajiit (?) in the Balmora Mages Guild and you can go through and change your entire stats. It goes through the whole chargen script again but it lets you keep all your quests and everything I believe. I'm not sure (because I never bothered to go that far with the re-chargen) but it might reset your stats. Not sure though. The mod is called Name Change. Check on Morrowind Summit. I know for sur its there, but not sure about MWSource. Havent checked yet. What I suggest is to is get the mod, turn it on, then try out the Name Change. Check your stats to see what it did, and if you like it, keep it. If you dont, go back to your last save game.
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If you are just charging your appearance you can type 'enableracemenu' in the console. This lets you change race and select how you want to look, or just change your portrait if that's what you want.


I don't know whether you can change stats by this means but there will surely be a console command for that too.

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player->setstat number


That will alter your stats. For instance:


player->sethealth 1000 (makes your max and current HP 1000)
player->setstrength 100 (makes your strength level 100)
player->setintelligence 100 (same as above)
player->setspeed 50 (etc etc etc...)

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