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Where are thou board games?


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Do even have a section on board/card games? If not WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!?!?!




So does anyone like to share their experience with board games? We can talk about the mechanics or your favourite game that you like to play with your friends. Come on! I promiss that it will be fun.

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Check Mate! :laugh:
Now seriously here in Germany Board games are very popular. Alahmbra, Carcassonne

and Selters of Catan are still popular here so why not have a topic where we can talk about funny things in board games or card games we like.


And I like to play Skat or some other card game like Munchkin ect.

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Wow it's been a while since I even thought about playing these, I do have a few - Chess and draughts, scrabble, star wars monopoly, and star wars trivial pursuit.


The latter was always fun for when me and my gf got bored and lazy so just decided to quiz each other, asking random questions from the pack.

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When I was younger, my brother and I used to play lots of board games with my parents. We used to play Monopoly a lot and its many variants. It's interesting when one gets into probability theory of the game, which anyone can find using a quick Google search. We don't play these games anymore though, probably because I'm busy with academia and my dad is never usually around; he typically comes home late, so he usually eats dinner and then immediately falls asleep by 9:00 or so. The last time I even touched Monopoly was actually at a Black Friday sale in Phoenix a couple years ago, as I had gone down there with my college roommate for Thanksgiving (too expensive to come home for just a week.) He and a bunch of friends - me included - decided to brave the madness that is Walmart at midnight. The plan was to just have one person pay for everything at the time to make life easier, so the rest of us sat in the quietest and least congested place in the store: the women's clothing aisle. Thanks to smartphones, a Monopoly game got started to pass the time.


One Friday night this past year, a former roommate of mine stopped by and decided to get some Settlers of Catan going, mostly to break the monotony of me destroying people in fighting games. It was my first time playing. I swear, this game can break friendships. We had a terrible economy running, and my current roommate had all the wood. So all he ended up doing was building a long-ass road with it that lead to absolutely nowhere, mostly to anger everyone else (though he did get the bonus for having the longest road).


Otherwise, my parents' good friends -- who are essentially a second family -- play a lot of Cribbage. It is really more of a card game, but that's all it can think of.

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I personally remember playing monopoly, clue, snakes and ladders and various card games but I started branching out into other games such as risk and tcgs. There are such a huge range of games out there that you don't see in mainstream shops that it is sad (at least in Aus). Has anyone played cards against humanity?


Online board games are okay as well.

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good old times...




damn! now I feel old :sad:
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WarHammer as a kid and lots of it. Still got a few decked out armies too. Or is that not a board game?


A board game is anything that uses pieces, a board, cards and can be played 2 and up. A role playing game is a board game, it's just no other way of you saying games that you play with other people on a table, floor, whatever.

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