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What do you think is unrealistic


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What do you think is unrealistic in Oblivion




i think its really unrealistis when stolen goods can be seen by merchants, even though no one has seen you and there are multiple items of the same type.


how do they know?

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yeah i really hate that-- one aspect in which morrowind is superior.


I hate how nearly every quest you complete can give you fame/infamy. I understand how some quests make you famous, so it's specifically annoying with infamy, where you can go through the thieves guild, and entire dark brotherhood, without ever being seen, and yet you still get infamous for it all x.x. pretty unrealistic (only the gods should know of those foul deeds).

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yeah i really hate that-- one aspect in which morrowind is superior.
Of course, then if you steal Repair Hammers from a smith, trying to sell them any (same-quality) Repair Hammer ever is enough to get arrested.


Honestly, burglary (Aside from "challenging" items obviously meant to be burgled) in this series has always felt kind of like taking candy from a baby. The Tresspassing mechanics are a good start, but the ability to steal anything when not detected at no risk is somewhat ridiculous.

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The merchants don't even uses magic to identify stolen items. They are, indeed, expert psychologists and knows when we do try to fool them in this (even if they are completely dumb other ways).
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Apparantly 10 gold is alot to common citizens in cyrodiil. (Talked to a beggar and she said she makes no more then 4 gold a year).


If thats the case, then why are things like common food (Tomatoes, corn...) 1 gold a peice? Did the beggar only buy 4 tomatoes and ration it for a year?



Where are the bathrooms.....and where is the food going when anyone eats anything?


Why are massive cities only filled with a handful of people in a given district/area....?


Where on earth is all the wild life? The forests are void of life.


Why does no one question the existance of magical wells and deadric shrines that are plopped here and there in the wild?


Why is the lowly mudcrab the topic of 80% of conversations among nobles?


Why does the empire never make an effort to rebuild kvatch immediatly? (Why do the fires never go out on that note..?)


Why was the compiled army of the entire imperial empire that gathered at bruma only about 20 people at most?


How is it possible to run nonstop from anvil to leyawin and not need to stop to rest?...and you probably where leaping most of the way.


Where are the boats to bring in goods from other provinces?? I've never seen a single trade ship come in or out of any port.


Wouldnt 2 large celestial bodies in our night sky have a major impact on our planets rotation, gravity, and ocean water??


Why isnt my character getting permanent eye damage when she stares at the sun? Not even a blind spot?


How isnt anything made of volcanic glass not even cracking from combat use?


Isnt Ebony a type of wood.....?


How is armor made from dwarves for dwarves fitting full grown humans?


On that note, how does a suit of full plated armor fit anyone who puts it on? what happened to custom tailoring?


Isnt deadric armor and weaponry supposed to drive who ever wears it mad?


Where is the artillery and seige machines? Wouldnt a spare be lying around?


Why does the all mighty empire allow goblins and vampires to exist in the sewers right under the city...wouldnt someone have told them?


Why does the player character never talk? is he/she mute?


Where on earth are common bandits getting the money for anything above steel??



(i think im done for now....I know much of this is fixed with mods...I asked about vanilla oblivion)

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You can't sleep in a bed in a place in which you are trespassing even though the person who owns the bed is publicly know dead. I just had a big lunch and just want a nap.

Or you can't sleep in a bed you don't own. Just a little nap please.

Is sleep even necessary in this game except to level up?

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Isnt deadric armor and weaponry supposed to drive who ever wears it mad?

you are sent by the gods, id ont think youre goign to go mad, mainyl because th egods wont let you

plus, to do what youre character does, you gotta be mad


Where on earth are common bandits getting the money for anything above steel??

and for that, they either steal it, or find it (didnt wanna requote)

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I have answers to some of the Questions.


Bathrooms are not included in this game because no one wants to look at someone taking a dump. That includes most of the Worlds Population and the Animators who would have to make Animations for that.

Furthermore, there is some exposed Skin when going to a toilet, so Oblivion would get a mature rating...



The Cities are not that massive, which is a good thing, i don't want to have to use a Map to get around in a city in a game.


Most People have their own House. You can go in everyone's House. Now those People are going to stand around all day on the same Spot.



The Mudcrab is a conversationpiece because it is found on just about every body of water. Even rich People like Beaches, so they will encounter Mudcrabs.




The Empire doesn't rebuild Kvatch because there's nobody left to care. Most People of a destroyed City wouldn't want to live there anymore, too many memories. the others are dead.

Kvatch was probably left out because the Player doesn't have to visit the Town anymore. A rebuilding would take some time and many meshes and animations to make for different reconstruction phases.

Most of them will not be seen by many Players because they are either finished playing the Game or they'll visit the Town once its completely rebuild, leaving several animations and meshes to be useless. With that kind of Effort, Bethesda could have build 20 cities.



The army isnt that large because the Computers would have some Problems here. With the Gates and the Daedra and the Guards its on the Limit Bethesda wanted to approach. You'll have to think about the minimum Requirements on the Box.


A larger force would have been a little confusing for the Player, as the Guards are hitting other Guards by accident as it is. After that battle, i had plenty of scenes where Martin was slaying some guards. Or the other way around.





the Dwarven Armor isn't actually made for Dwarves. Dwarven Armor consists of Pieces from Dwemer Machinery.

I think every apparel Piece there is has been magically altered to be a one fits all.




About the Bandits: they mug Travellers. Then they raid mines and Castles outside of Cyrodiil.

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