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enabling creation club mods


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I'm at my wits end here. I have been through multiple posts and I can't seem to find out why. So I downloaded the creation club mods through the google drive post and there all added into my mod organizer and activated them but they dont seem to show up in the game I check the plugins tab to see if there active and there not I cant even activate them via the plugins tab ive tried different mod organizers to see if they can turn them on but no avail can anyone here know why im having such issues with this?


Banned - TVD.

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Creation club mods come from the beth website, via the in-game menu. So far as I know, that is the only legit way to get them......


Having multiple mod organizers operating on the same game isn't a good idea. They work in slightly different ways, and aren't always compatible. (in fact, rarely are they compatible.)


Also, beth has been handing out all the resources for the creation club stuff, but, you have to PAY for the esp/esl files to actually get them in-game.

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