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what is a good ENB to use


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67 Brightness

50 Contrast

0.77 Gamma

35 Digital Colors

Cathedral Weathers

ENB Anti Alliasing

ENB Reflections

Custom ENB Setting Tweaks


Thats the best ENB. Its worth it.


In short all will depend on what extras you use to enhance your Lighting Weather Environmental Effects and how Colors appear under which conditions and LOD Blending including Shadow Balance and Realism. Then ENB comes on top to introduce Shaders and adjust Color under Weather Lighting conditions.


Its also the best option Performance wise because alot of stuff with ENBs exists just to exist unless its a Recommended ENB and Mod Setup with specific purposes.

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If I were to pitch in with a suggestion of my own, I'd say something simple but friendly and versatile like Rudy ENB. It makes things very bright and lively and it's overall beautiful without being intrusive toward the setup.


You should experiment a bit and tweak one you like to suit your preference once you have a foundation. They're very customizable.

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