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Uh, either someone shoved the topic somewhere else than "Off-Topic", or no one noticed, but Superman is dead. Christopher Reeve, the original Superman, the guy who broke his neck and got paralyzed from there and down, correct me if I'm wrong, died this sunday after suffering a heart attack and falling into coma, I say:


Rest In Peace, Superman, have fun in heaven. :bye:

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I have to say though that the creators of south park are 2 drunk guys some computer guy whos on drugs and a worksation plus some construction paper and beer, lots of beer. They honestly cant figure it out that making fun of crippled people is bad and still probably dont get it. Making fun of retards is still fine though......... Timmy rules ass.


Rodney dangerfield ruled. I hope leslie nelson isnt next. :(

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I got this from a news article on Google:


Apparently, Reeve was directing a CGI film about a boy overcoming the odds, and those working on the movie intend to finish it.


No doubt it will be dedicated to him.


<3 for Reeve, especially in the South Park episode. ^_^



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