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I haven't done an extensive search so this might be a post that's dead on arrival.

I am thoroughly annoyed by every occasion of an NPC pulling me into a dialogue, no matter the circumstance. I have died several times because a fugitive wanted to give me something to hide just as I aggroed a whole campful of bandits or some other hostiles and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

How about a mod that stops that from happening? Is it even possible to do? There are points in many quests where you can't progress until you talk to someone. Can the forced dialogues be turned into bits like that?


Couriers, quest givers, escaping thieves... just stay out of my face until I let you talk to me.

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No NPC Greetings is a good mod. While it won't stop the specific example you gave above (because that is a scripted encounter) it WILL stop all other general NPC conversations from happening. You can also set the mod to simply reduce the range of when an NPC tries to speak to you in case you still want to talk to themm.

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Try one of these -






I am currently using the first one, but I am on SE 1.5.97, I don't know about conflicts with later versions.


DUH - rechecked my mod list, seems that I have BOTH installed. Will be removing the older one on a new character.

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