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cat ears, cat tail, Grapple hook, model conversion tutorial


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1. cat ears, cat tail <-----Want!

2. Grapple hook

3. model conversion tutorial




Ok, I have been wanting to make a cat girl companion for awhile now. But I lack the skills needed to make the models for the ears and tail. I don't mind making a texture for the models once they are ready to be used in game. This is the simplest request of the three and the one I want the most. (for all you lore people out their, just assume someone had a accident with FEV and a cat. Or that they found some Cosplay items :biggrin: )

Here is some reference material:



Another offshoot of the hook would be to make all buildings have roofs. I know most of the DC buildings do not have them. On this note, maybe make all the DC worlds into one, so those junk piles don't block players anymore. That would let people zoom across the city freely.




This will be harder, I want the anchor skill from S4 league. For a idea of what I mean, watch the movie, or play the game if you like fast paced shooters.


This would let players zip around the world quickly (at least vertically). A addon to this would be a skill that let you wall jump and side jump. This would let players have more active combat (opposed to the lumbering feeling that it has by default.) Another offshoot of the hook would be to make all buildings have roofs. I know most of the DC buildings do not have them. On this note, maybe make all the DC worlds into one, so those junk piles don't block players anymore. That would let people zoom across the city freely.


3. A tutorial that shows how to take existing models of various formats (not how to make them) and turn them into usable files for Fallout. From their, show how to import them into the GECK and put them into the game world. IT should have several examples including a Armor, a accessory (hat, necklace, etc), a weapon, and possibly hair.

A small note: If the guide uses Blender, it should have a small, very basic how to move around the program guide (how to move the camera and basic building/modifying of objects). Nothing more, nothing less.

Another note: Another reason I want this is to take user made material for Oblivion and transfer it to Fallout.

If such a guide exists, please point me to it.



Like I said, the cat gear is the easiest and simplest to do. The guide would help me and others start adding more content our self's.

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I'm just a Anime fan, cat girls just come with the territory. Here is some reference material:



Another offshoot of the hook would be to make all buildings have roofs. I know most of the DC buildings do not have them. On this note, maybe make all the DC worlds into one, so those junk piles don't block players anymore. That would let people zoom across the city freely.

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Well if you've ever used the TCL command and go to a roof, you'll notice alot of them don't have a roof and its just an invisible barrier stoppin you from falling. So if you had this hook, there wouldn't be much of a point of using it as it would seems to fake anyway.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Rofl. The S4 grapple hook... Man, that was major pwnage if used correctly. Much better than those n00by wings.


Kusumura, Rank S3.

Fully supports the grapple idea. Since he has already made the suggestion in an alternate topic XD.

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For the grappling hook... The implementation shouldnt be too horribly complex, but then comes usability... It'd be completely useless.


I remember that along the thievy mod for oblivion, there was a mod that added/made windows usable as doors. Oblivion also had much more "city" areas than fallout.

For correct grappling, we'd need windows. Just adding my 2 cents.

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lol cat ears and tail + wolf ears and tail lol must have but.. the tail wud be so much of a problem with outfits and PA unles some mesh text fixs same for the ears but i never use head gear so that dosent bug me. graple hook wud be pimp but ... i dont see a need i like the killing and jumping mazes of junk to get up and down ;D but still cool
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