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Body Swap


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I am wanting to play a character that, when he/she dies, they are resurrected as a ghost. This ghost player can do everything a regular player can do.(maybe some options taken away. I haven't decided yet.) The player can then choose a new "host body" in which to continue playing. I want the spells, level, skills, perks, items(pretty much everything) of the player to carry over from body, to ghost, to new body, to ghost, etc... I also wish to be able to leave the current body at any time. Is this something you could do or teach me how to do? I really love modding(more than I enjoy actually playing games) however I don't know scripting, so I wouldn't even know where to begin this mod. Thank you so much for reading this far. I really appreciate your time and help if you don't mind.

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Try alternative actors. It is so buggy but you can play as ghost and choose new body :smile:

Well I have that. But it's buggy for me and it's not quite what I want. SM Essential is closer. But not quite what I want, for immersive purposes. And neither of those modders have replied to my messages so I thought I would throw a line out here and see what I got.

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I love this idea. After all, you're the Dragonborn, you have the blessing of Akatosh...why would He allow you to simply keel over?


And even if you don't RP as the saviour of Skyrim, there's always the potential to play as a character that just refuses to stay dead.

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I love this idea. After all, you're the Dragonborn, you have the blessing of Akatosh...why would He allow you to simply keel over?


And even if you don't RP as the saviour of Skyrim, there's always the potential to play as a character that just refuses to stay dead.

Exactly, I just wish I knew how to make this mod.

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