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Textures won't work


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I have recently just come back to attempt Skyrim modding and to start off I've decided to model some weapons from games and seeing if I can put them into Skyrim. I followed a decent guide on how to do the process and no matter what I do I cannot get any of my texture maps to show in-game.


I double checked Nifskope to see if the textures were pathed correctly and I have tested out the .dds files from the same location back in Maya and re-opening them in Photoshop and all the textures are fine and Nifskope is looking in the correct place so I can't figure out what the problem is at all. I've tried a few methods online and checking vertex colours, checking normals etc. but no luck. If anyone knows how to get around this problem I'd appreciate the help. :smile:



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Yeah I've pretty much done all of that. I have used the weapon in-game just to test it to see if it functions without glitching out, it just doesn't display textures. I've checked multiple times over and everything is correct, here are some pictures of the model with textures in Maya and how it turns out in Skyrim.





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That just looks like the BSShaderTextureSet in the nif is not pointing correctly to the textures.


If you are certain that they are, it's a mystery.


And you have a *.dds, *_n.dds, *_m.dds and *_e.dds for them?


Maybe they are not formatted or compressed properly in a way Skyrim can display?




PS swords will need a WEAP file, of course.

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Just checked again and BSShaderTextureSet is pointing directly at the required textures.


I use a .dds, _n.dds and an _m.dds but no _e.dds, the video I watched for the tutorial didn't use the _e.dds file so I don't think that could be the cause, also the textures were saved exactly how I saw it also.


I've done everything besides from adding an _e.dds file, I will attempt to add one and see if that can do anything but I may try and create some basic static meshes to texture and see if I can import them correctly before moving back onto weapons. Thank you for the help! :)

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I hope this screenshot can help, just incase you can't make out the words on Nifskope here are the paths;


D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Meshes\weapons\gs

D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\textures\weapons\gs



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Originally that was the texture path until I did the full path as I thought that was the problem. I have re-done my NIF files and the problem still occurs. I have both a WEAP and STAT form in the creation kit as well. The weapon is droppable in game, works as a weapon and everything in-game besides from displaying the assigned textures.


I don't think the .DDS files could be much of a problem as they work within 3D software as intended so I'm guessing there is a Nifskope fault. If I find anything out I'll update this thread but so far I've had no luck.


EDIT: And I have checked that I am running the latest version of Nifskope

Edited by leetfart
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It could be the DDS files as there are several different compression methods and settings that could be used. If the right setup isn't used, the game won't show the textures.


But I'm not familiar with Photoshop and do not know what settings to use with that program. I'm also rusty on the settings used in Gimp so can't really be of help there.


It is worth investigating at least.

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