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The Path of the Healer


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So skyrim is nice and big and diverse and absolutely lovely in my opinion. I love the number of combat options and the awesome mods that go along with that. But today I do not want to play a fierce fighter, a cunning rogue, or a dark hearted assassin. Today I don't want to be a monsterous villain, or a warrior of light. Today I want to try and play the most respectable profession of all, a healer. Now in Skyrim they refer to the "Shield-Maidens" I do believe which is an order of healers. That is if I remember correctly. I remember some guy I think his last name was Snow-Shod saying something about it in Riften. Now I wonder... Has anyone made mods that make it possible to play a healer? Now don't get me wrong I am okay with some fighting, but I would prefer minimal offensive spell casting, and quests that reward minimal casualties and promote the restoration and alchemy abilities for healing and possibly speechcraft to bring others down from fighting.

I could honestly see several points that would be awesome to tack Healer quests onto.

1) Join the Shield-Maidens.
2) Become a Priest of Arkay/Help the Priesthood of Arkay
3) A radiant quest where you have to go out and save a Soldier/Mercenary/Bandit and "Bring my Brother/Sister home"

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I like this idea of set of healer related quests, since Skyrim is heavy on hack, slash, and Destruction magic. I play a Breton Spellsword who is also a priest of Mara, concentrating on Restoration magic. It is very challenging to try to keep the body count to a minimum (no mercy for drauger or vampires, though), and to restrain your character and followers from shooting first and asking questions later. There is a Paladin Spell Pack mod that is helpful for healer type players, as well as paladins. For another healer type spell, the FCResurrect spell mod is essential. For non-violent combat, the vanilla Paralyze spell, as well as the Bind and Gag spell mod work very well. For a healer type follower, I'd recommend the excellent Cerwiden mod. I am no modder, myself, but I wish you luck on getting this great idea turned into a "reality".

Edited by ScottC12
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Well that sounds interesting enough. I just downloaded Cerwiden, though I think I want a fighter companion because I want someone to be able to defend me. I still really want to see this quest line (or a few quests) written and if anyone can help me like implement it into the game I could certainly do the story board ideas.

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