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New location mod weird issues i cant figure out...


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Normally not. I mean Spectacle Island proves otherwise.


Try a few solutions and if everything fails you can send me the file to [email protected]

Cool will do if i reach my limit....

I seriously hope its a oversight because of old age that maybe i missed/forgot but damn ive done it 100s of times and in this location ive setup everything close to 15 times (all markers/quests etc. ) over and over..

Now everything starts up as it should but im missing my stats and listing on the map to move etc... ( i tried using the map marker as the reference for the location where i usually use the location marker that the map marker points to..) so its probably an easy fix..

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Have you run SKK Workshop Ownership Utilities on your workshop to see if there are any issues? Also, might double check the basics.


Did you use the right workshop?


Beds and the like all linked to the workshop with the workshopitem keyword?

no havent used the utilities..

Yes used the standard workshopworkbench like ive used in my other 40+ locations... and dont forget ive done this location over 15 times from scratch always using same stuff and settings ive used 100s of times.

Yes all beds are linked and are proper with their scripts and keywords etc...( i even add beds in game....and even tried assigning them to beds...no difference)

In my last redo 30 mins ago i did it all over and didnt use a setowned trigger...and it didnt initialize . I reloaded CK and checked errors and noticed that for some reason the locationinitialization quest wasnt added to the story...Thats weird cause it only has 2 things to do after duplicating and renaming it... and those things being a) give it the location b) check stages the rest default as i always use...and according to many tutorials. Im starting to get a feeling that maybe the loaction is being overridden by another location (kingsport for example even though they have a full clean cell between them ( unlike sanctuary and RR that border each other)


edit: Tried the utilities but havent figued out how to enable logging or wHere the logs are :tongue: (it found a couple of errors but i cant see what they are unless i find the log )

Edited by greekrage
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you'll need to edit your Fallout4Custom.ini file and add these lines:


The logs can be found in your Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Logs\Script folder


THank you!!! was afraid SKK would bite my head off if i asked... :P

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To be fair its RTFM as full instructions are repeted THREE TIMES in the comprehensive description:


For the full diagnostic on PC Debug Logging must be enabled and then examine ... \Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Logs\Script\User\SKK_WUTestWorkshopList_NNNNN.log


Using advanced tools and not reading the description ...

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To be fair its RTFM as full instructions are repeted THREE TIMES in the comprehensive description:


For the full diagnostic on PC Debug Logging must be enabled and then examine ... \Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Logs\Script\User\SKK_WUTestWorkshopList_NNNNN.log


Using advanced tools and not reading the description ...

lol i knew you would bite my head off... :P...either way i was working 16 hours straight trying to figure this out and even forgot to eat so even reading was like i was looking at a wall ....and probably missed the instructions.. Though i did find while testing with your utilities an error and that it "says that workbench doesnt have a map marker when it clearly does or for some reason isnt seeing it.... The problem is that the map marker was the only thing i placed on the island so a could easily fasttravel to it while testing which i do in all my mods while preparing terrain,building etc..since it will be used later for the settlement creation. Hell i even spent 2 hours watching old tutorials to make sure i wasnt missing something or doing it wrong. Even went to 3 mods i built on islands/new land mass etc.. and checked them with the CK and everything is identical.


This is what the log gave me (note: added edge markers for the sake of not seeing the error ) "[01/27/2022 - 10:06:58AM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywords_48586 log opened (PC-64)

[01/27/2022 - 10:06:58AM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (440345D8)>],[Cell <SafeHarborext (0000DA76)>],ERROR WorkshopParent registered workshop has no MapMarker

[01/27/2022 - 10:06:58AM] SKK_WUTestWorkshopKeywordsScript,[workshopscript < (440345D8)>],[Cell <SafeHarborext (0000DA76)>],WARNING WorkshopParentRegistered Workshop Location [Location < (440345DD)>] missing LocationRefType LocationEdgeMarker (Quests may not pick this workshop).

[01/27/2022 - 10:07:06AM] Log closed"



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So tosses this out there to aid in troubleshooting.


You mentioned that you had not renamed the cells (i.e., wilderness), could this be contributing to the problem? Does this present any issue when setting the location encounter zone data?


In the location part of the object window, are location ref types, cells, and actors showing up correctly?

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So tosses this out there to aid in troubleshooting.


You mentioned that you had not renamed the cells (i.e., wilderness), could this be contributing to the problem? Does this present any issue when setting the location encounter zone data?


In the location part of the object window, are location ref types, cells, and actors showing up correctly?

they arent renamed but edited and added to the location...thats all that matters... I only rename the center cell for the sake of easily finding it ....

Edited by greekrage
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