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Thought I'd share the link to some height maps that I ran also recently. These were made by a user named duke54 for Arc and are high resolution (8129px) height maps. Perhaps someone with Photoshop and the DDS plugin could make these available as a modders resource. duke54 seems to have open permission for use, provide he is credited.


Duke’s Free Heightmaps


This heightmap is totally free to use for whatever you want, but please credit me (duke54) if you use this to make a map mod for ARK Survival evolved (or any other game)
This free full resolution map is the max individual map size of 8129px square for use in Unreal Engine heightmap terrain import.
Unreal Engine Terrain Import
height map: "heightMap180Percent.png" set the z scale of the terrain to 180
coverage maps: each coverage map is named according to the corresponding material layer of the "MI_NewIsland" material use on the island terrain"
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