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Vortex dont want too install my mods


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Ich versuche für Stalker & Fallout 4 Mods zu installieren, Vortex installiert auch, aber die Mods tauchen nie in den Spielen auf, unter Plugin´s in Vortex stehen die Modes auch nicht drinne.
was zum Henker machen ich falsch NMM war schon nicht leicht aber Vortex hasst mich.

EN Google Translate:
I'm trying to install mods for Stalker & Fallout 4, Vortex also installs them, but the mods never appear in the games, and the mods aren't listed under Plugin's in vortex either.

what the f*#@ am I doing wrong NMM wasn't easy but Vortex hates me.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Unrelated to your current problem, but I really suggest you move your mod staging directory out of AppData.

You won't realize how much space you are using on your boot drive.

This also means your Fallout 4 game must be on the C: drive, which is unavoidable if you only have one drive.

Just to reiterate: Fallout 4 MUST be on the same drive as your mod staging directory with hard links.

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