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The Storm Raven Returns...

Storm Raven

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A man is judged by the company he keeps. I think you rank very high then! :)



Sometimes a single line from you, paints a picture worth thousand words.


Isn't it interesting, that men often judge other men, by the company they don't keep.


Laughing out loud.


*the old man smiles*


Thank you,


Storm Raven

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My eyes hurt.


Can you sum that up in 256 characters or less? LOL. Great read.

Master Hammonds,


I've heard a rumor, that is quite extraordinary in nature, and may explain a certain phenomenon occurring on this site and others.


Now bear with me because this will be difficult to believe. I've heard that many people are actually using cell phones and iPods to read and to reply to posts on this and other forums! Being an older man, I do not see how I could possibly read, one of those things. However, my wife tells me that she is getting almost as many text messages on her cell phone as she is actual phone calls! I lost my cell phone in the house fire, and so far have found no reason to replace it. Of course, it is well-known I'm an old man who has difficulty with some of this newfangled technology.


So it should come as no surprise to me at all, what with all this, text messaging that the posts and the replies to the posts should be getting shorter. It all makes a great deal of sense now, and so I will endeavor to create shorter posts, so as to make it easier for those many individuals accessing the Internet with such small displays. I sincerely apologize for hurting your eyes. Unfortunately, I find a 256 character limit quite impossible to keep.


Laughing out loud,


Your friend,


Storm Raven

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
Well howdy pardner! Long time no see Storm :)



Well met indeed, my friend, I must say I like your new signature... it says so much, and so much truth.


I hope we run into one another a lot more often... I look forward to seeing you.


Storm Raven



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Well, now that you mention it, I'm not sure we have... but that is easily enough remedied.


Must say I love your avatar, the gecko never seems to bore me with his antics.


And of course, I do have a sweet failing for Australian voices. LOL.


My wife wants me to get her a gecko figurine for Christmas, she just loves him.


So you definitely started out on the right foot. Around here.


Perhaps you could start by telling me more about your forum, and who is your accomplice in this mission?


Storm Raven



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  • 3 weeks later...
Well howdy pardner! Long time no see Storm :)



Well met indeed, my friend, I must say I like your new signature... it says so much, and so much truth.


I hope we run into one another a lot more often... I look forward to seeing you.


Storm Raven



Thank you Storm ^^ And sorry I haven't been online much, I've been busy modding, and doing nothing... :ermm: *cough* So um, yeah... : whistling: Heh


How's life for you my friend? :)

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