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R&D XCOM Map Alterations


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I thought it won't be the problem here, as EU maps and textures are still XCOM's maps and textures. Drakous79 was talking about entirely new objects, created with UDK, which have licensee number set to zero. So I'm not sure it's a licensee problem.


I can test it under linux, but not right now. BTW, all the packages under windows and linux are binary identical, so they haven't recooked anything.


We can insert new default properties into existing ones, we just need to be very careful with any bulk data objects like embedded low-res textures.


I've also noticed a lot of GUID references inside textures/materials/meshes. Some of the objects on those old maps do load all the textures, so, again, I don't think it's licensee related. But it's possible that some of the map-specific objects got unused when they deleted those maps from EW and as a result some of the references became invalid.

Edited by wghost81
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The wierd thing is that the pod/fences/ rubble on the gastation roof get their material loaded IF I load them through the strategic game.

The Shader Caches should be different , windows uses directx, linux uses opengl. The windows file RefShaderCache-PC-D3D-SM3 stands for pc- directx-shadermodel 3


Hmm on the psi armors (EW uses the material MInst_PsionicMale and EU uses MInst_PsionicFem ) the only guids which are different are the last ones : ParentLightingGuid and LightingGuid

Edited by LiQuiD911
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In cookedPCconsole there are







I guess the texture surface effects and properties are compiled and stored there

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I may be wrong, this could be an import object problem


Here's the relevant part of the log



[0015.96] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Machine_Alien_Variable:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_3.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_2 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Generic_Variable:ParticleModuleSpawn_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_4 have duplicate NetIndex 1481
[0015.96] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Machine_Human_Variable:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_3.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_10 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Machine_Alien_Variable:ParticleModuleLocationPrimitiveBox_2.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 1498
[0015.96] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Metal_Variable:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_3.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_24 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Machine_Human_Variable:ParticleModuleSpawn_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_17 have duplicate NetIndex 1526
[0015.96] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant_Floor:ParticleModuleSpawn_3.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_7 and DistributionFloatParticleParameter FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Large:ParticleModuleSpawn_0.DistributionFloatParticleParameter_2 have duplicate NetIndex 117
[0016.01] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C_NORM': Package BrickPile.Textures
[0016.01] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C_DIFF': Package BrickPile.Textures
[0016.01] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Material FX_Destruction.Gritty_Dust and Material FX_Destruction.Generic_Chunk_RGB_Match have duplicate NetIndex 1197
[0016.01] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Material FX_Destruction.M_Foliage_Dust and Material FX_Destruction.M_Explosion_Smooth_Light have duplicate NetIndex 1208
[0016.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Material FX_Vehicle_Destruction.M_Fireball_Rolling_Offset and Material FX_Vehicle_Destruction.M_Explode_Glow_Offset have duplicate NetIndex 505
[0016.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Material FX_Vehicle_Destruction.M_ShockRing and Material FX_Vehicle_Destruction.M_Heat_Distortion_Offset have duplicate NetIndex 508
[0016.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Material GEN_MaterialParents.Master_Materials.DCAL_Translucent and Material GEN_MaterialParents.Master_Materials.CHH_WeaponKits have duplicate NetIndex 38
[0016.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameter2D GEN_MaterialParents.Master_Materials.ALIEN_Base:MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameter2D_7 and MaterialExpressionScalarParameter GEN_MaterialParents.Obsolete_Materials.FX_PanningCloudShadows:MaterialExpressionScalarParameter_0 have duplicate NetIndex 3528
[0016.02] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameter2D GEN_MaterialParents.Master_Materials.ALIEN_Base:MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameter2D_8 and MaterialExpressionScalarParameter GEN_MaterialParents.Obsolete_Materials.FX_PanningCloudShadows:MaterialExpressionScalarParameter_1 have duplicate NetIndex 3529
[0016.03] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleLODLevel FX_Fire_Dynamic.P_Fire_DamagedVehicle:ParticleSpriteEmitter_10.ParticleLODLevel_46 and Material FX_Fire_Dynamic.M_Char_BG_Cheap have duplicate NetIndex 465
[0016.03] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleLODLevel FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleSpriteEmitter_1.ParticleLODLevel_1 and Package FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion have duplicate NetIndex 486
[0016.03] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleAcceleration FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleModuleAcceleration_0 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleSpriteEmitter_13.ParticleLODLevel_13 have duplicate NetIndex 607
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Completion:ParticleModuleColor_3 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleSpriteEmitter_1.ParticleLODLevel_0 have duplicate NetIndex 6125
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Completion:ParticleModuleColor_4 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleSpriteEmitter_13.ParticleLODLevel_5 have duplicate NetIndex 6127
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Completion:ParticleModuleColor_5 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleSpriteEmitter_2.ParticleLODLevel_0 have duplicate NetIndex 6128
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColor FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Completion:ParticleModuleColor_6 and ParticleLODLevel FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleSpriteEmitter_3.ParticleLODLevel_2 have duplicate NetIndex 6129
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleColorOverLife FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant_Floor:ParticleModuleColorOverLife_0 and ParticleModuleCollision FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleModuleCollision_0 have duplicate NetIndex 639
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleModuleLifetime_0 and ParticleModuleColor FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleModuleColor_0 have duplicate NetIndex 645
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleLocationEmitter FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant_Floor:ParticleModuleLocationEmitter_3 and ParticleModuleLifetime FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleModuleLifetime_0 have duplicate NetIndex 664
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleParameterDynamic FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Metal_Variable:ParticleModuleParameterDynamic_3 and ParticleModuleMeshRotationRate FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Machine_Alien_Variable:ParticleModuleMeshRotationRate_3 have duplicate NetIndex 5367
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Persistent:ParticleModuleSize_17 and ParticleModuleRequired FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleModuleRequired_1 have duplicate NetIndex 7665
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Persistent:ParticleModuleSize_19 and ParticleModuleRequired FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleModuleRequired_13 have duplicate NetIndex 7667
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Persistent:ParticleModuleSize_2 and ParticleModuleRequired FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleModuleRequired_2 have duplicate NetIndex 7668
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Persistent:ParticleModuleSize_20 and ParticleModuleRequired FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleModuleRequired_3 have duplicate NetIndex 7669
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSize FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant_Floor:ParticleModuleSize_5 and ParticleModuleRequired FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Large:ParticleModuleRequired_0 have duplicate NetIndex 769
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Completion:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_0 and ParticleModuleRotation FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleModuleRotation_1 have duplicate NetIndex 7866
[0016.04] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Psi_Rift_Completion:ParticleModuleSizeMultiplyLife_1 and ParticleModuleRotation FX_Psionics_Ethereal.P_Mind_Control_Make_Link_Ranged_Fail:ParticleModuleRotation_2 have duplicate NetIndex 7867
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_7 and ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Large:ParticleModuleSpawn_0 have duplicate NetIndex 809
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_8 and ParticleModuleSpawn FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleModuleSpawn_0 have duplicate NetIndex 810
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleModuleVelocity_0 and ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleModuleTypeDataMesh_13 have duplicate NetIndex 914
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Machine_Human_Variable:ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime_6 and ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Destruction_Fracture.Variable.Generic_Variable:ParticleModuleVelocity_5 have duplicate NetIndex 6657
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Fire_Dynamic.P_Fire_DamagedVehicle:ParticleSpriteEmitter_1 and MaterialInstanceConstant FX_Fire_Dynamic.M_sparks have duplicate NetIndex 672
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleSpriteEmitter_0 and ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Large:ParticleModuleVelocity_0 have duplicate NetIndex 931
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleSpriteEmitter_1 and ParticleModuleVelocity FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleModuleVelocity_0 have duplicate NetIndex 932
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleSpriteEmitter_7 and ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Large:ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime_0 have duplicate NetIndex 938
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant:ParticleSpriteEmitter_8 and ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleModuleVelocityOverLifetime_0 have duplicate NetIndex 939
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSystem FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant and ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleSpriteEmitter_13 have duplicate NetIndex 1053
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects ParticleSystem FX_Trash.Blowing.P_Trash_Blowing_Constant_Floor and ParticleSpriteEmitter FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small:ParticleSpriteEmitter_3 have duplicate NetIndex 1055
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects PhysicalMaterial PhysicalMaterials.PM_Foliage and PhysicalMaterial PhysicalMaterials.PM_FleshHuman have duplicate NetIndex 6
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects RB_BodySetup FX_Debris.Machine_Innards_E:RB_BodySetup_4 and MaterialInstanceConstant FX_Debris.Materials.M_MetalFragment have duplicate NetIndex 328
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_E:RB_BodySetup_4 and ParticleSystem FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Large have duplicate NetIndex 1070
[0016.05] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_F:RB_BodySetup_5 and ParticleSystem FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.P_Trash_Explosion_Small have duplicate NetIndex 1071
[0016.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SoundNodeAttenuation SoundParticleObjects.FireSmallCue:SoundNodeAttenuation_2 and SoundCue SoundParticleObjects.ReaperShotgunCue have duplicate NetIndex 21
[0016.07] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects SoundNodeAttenuation SoundParticleObjects.PigeonSpawnCue:SoundNodeAttenuation_0 and SoundCue SoundParticleObjects.SmokeGrenadeCue have duplicate NetIndex 25
[0016.10] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Debris.Machine_Innards_E and RB_BodySetup FX_Debris.panel:RB_BodySetup_0 have duplicate NetIndex 371
[0016.10] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_A and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_B:RB_BodySetup_1 have duplicate NetIndex 1090
[0016.10] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_B and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_C:RB_BodySetup_2 have duplicate NetIndex 1091
[0016.10] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_C and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_D:RB_BodySetup_3 have duplicate NetIndex 1092
[0016.10] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_D and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_E:RB_BodySetup_4 have duplicate NetIndex 1093
[0016.11] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_E and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_F:RB_BodySetup_5 have duplicate NetIndex 1094
[0016.11] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_F and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_G:RB_BodySetup_6 have duplicate NetIndex 1095
[0016.11] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_G and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_H:RB_BodySetup_7 have duplicate NetIndex 1096
[0016.11] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_H and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_I:RB_BodySetup_8 have duplicate NetIndex 1097
[0016.11] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_I and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_J:RB_BodySetup_9 have duplicate NetIndex 1098
[0016.11] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects StaticMesh FX_Trash.Blowing.Trash_J and RB_BodySetup FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_K:RB_BodySetup_10 have duplicate NetIndex 1099
[0016.17] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'MASTER_DefaultMaterial_DESIGN_Border': Package Level_Design_Construction_Kit.Materials
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Debris.Flowers_A_SubUV and StaticMesh FX_Debris.ASE_FragGlass01 have duplicate NetIndex 378
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Debris.Flowers_C_SubUV and StaticMesh FX_Debris.ASE_FragGlass03 have duplicate NetIndex 380
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.Fogged_Body_Decal_B and Texture2D FX_Shared.Fogged_Body_Decal_A have duplicate NetIndex 99
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.Stick and Texture2D FX_Shared.Squiggle_Burst have duplicate NetIndex 153
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Distortion_Wave_NonClamped and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Distortion_Wave have duplicate NetIndex 233
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Dust_Smooth_3Channel and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Dust_Grainy_3Channel have duplicate NetIndex 240
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Goop_Reflection_Irridescent_B and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Goop_Reflection_Irridescent_A have duplicate NetIndex 284
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_GroundFogTile and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Gritty_Chunks_SubUV_NOR have duplicate NetIndex 298
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Pigeon_Spatter and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Parallel_Lines_C have duplicate NetIndex 350
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Rat and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Raindrops_ALPHA have duplicate NetIndex 379
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Ring_FlairOut and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_RExpl_smokeplume001 have duplicate NetIndex 386
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Roiling_Smoke_SubUV and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Roiling_Smoke_Soft_SubUV have duplicate NetIndex 396
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Sparse_Mist_Grit and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_sparksStylized have duplicate NetIndex 434
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Star_Flare and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_square_edge_mask have duplicate NetIndex 446
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared.T_wispStreaksV and Texture2D FX_Shared.T_Waves_Strip_NML have duplicate NetIndex 478
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Shared_B.Textures.T_Ember_lg and Package FX_Shared_B.Textures have duplicate NetIndex 755
[0016.18] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects Texture2D FX_Trash.Blowing.T_Trash and StaticMesh FX_Trash.Trash_Explosion.Trash_Debris_I have duplicate NetIndex 1123
[0016.19] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_Half2': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.19] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_Half0': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.19] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_Half0': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.19] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_Half1': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.19] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_Half1': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.19] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_Half1': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.19] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_Half1': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.19] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_Half1': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'BrickPile_C': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.21] Warning: Warning, CreateImport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'destBrickChunk_HD': Package BrickPile.Meshes
[0016.22] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects XComPhysicalMaterialProperty PhysicalMaterials.PM_Foliage:XComPhysicalMaterialProperty_1 and XComPhysicalMaterialProperty PhysicalMaterials.PM_FleshAlien:XComPhysicalMaterialProperty_1 have duplicate NetIndex 26
[0016.22] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects XComPhysicalMaterialProperty PhysicalMaterials.PM_Garbage:XComPhysicalMaterialProperty_0 and XComPhysicalMaterialProperty PhysicalMaterials.PM_FleshHuman:XComPhysicalMaterialProperty_0 have duplicate NetIndex 27
[0016.22] Error: (AddNetObject) Objects XComPhysicalMaterialProperty PhysicalMaterials.PM_Gravel:XComPhysicalMaterialProperty_0 and XComPhysicalMaterialProperty PhysicalMaterials.PM_Glass:XComPhysicalMaterialProperty_0 have duplicate NetIndex 30
[0016.30] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material ALIEN_Base, compiling.
[0016.30] Log: Can't compile ALIEN_Base with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.30] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material GEN_MaterialParents.Master_Materials.ALIEN_Base for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.30] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.30] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.30] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material GEN_MaterialParents.Master_Materials.BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.30] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material ENV_Foliage, compiling.
[0016.30] Log: Can't compile ENV_Foliage with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.30] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material GEN_MaterialParents.Master_Materials.ENV_Foliage for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.30] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material ENV_FoliageDMG, compiling.
[0016.30] Log: Can't compile ENV_FoliageDMG with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.30] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material GEN_MaterialParents.Master_Materials.ENV_FoliageDMG for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.31] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material VP_Sidewalk, compiling.
[0016.31] Log: Can't compile VP_Sidewalk with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.31] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material GEN_MaterialParents.Vertex_Paint.VP_Sidewalk for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.31] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.31] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.31] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance Brick.Materials.Brick_DullRed with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.32] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material ENV_Foliage, compiling.
[0016.32] Log: Can't compile ENV_Foliage with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.32] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance Cypress_A.Materials.MINST_Cypress_A with Base ENV_Foliage for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.33] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material ENV_FoliageDMG, compiling.
[0016.33] Log: Can't compile ENV_FoliageDMG with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.33] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance Flower_D.Materials.FlowerD with Base ENV_FoliageDMG for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.33] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material ALIEN_Base, compiling.
[0016.33] Log: Can't compile ALIEN_Base with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.33] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance FogPod.Materials.MInst_fogPod with Base ALIEN_Base for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.35] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.35] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance Stucco.Materials.Stucco_DarkCream with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.35] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.35] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance Stucco.Materials.Stucco_DarkCream_Destroyed with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.35] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.35] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Concrete.Materials.ConcreteA with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.35] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.35] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Concrete.Materials.ConcreteA_Destroyed with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.35] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.35] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Interiors.Materials.WallPlasterA_Cream with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.35] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.35] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.35] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Interiors.Materials.WallPlasterA_Cream_Destroyed with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.Brick_LightTan-DarkTan_BLEND with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.Brick_LightTan-DarkTan_BLEND_Destroyed with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.Stucco_DarkCream-Grey_BLEND with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.Stucco_DarkCream-Grey_BLEND_Destroyed with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.TileA_BlackCheckerClean-Dirty_BLEND with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.TileA_BlackCheckerClean-Dirty_BLEND_Destroyed with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.TileA_GreenClean-Dirty_BLEND with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.TileA_GreenClean-Dirty_BLEND_Destroyed with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.TileA_WhiteSpeckleClean-Dirty_BLEND with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.36] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material BLDG_Enterable, compiling.
[0016.36] Log: Can't compile BLDG_Enterable with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.36] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance TexLibrary_Surfaces.Materials.TileA_WhiteSpeckleClean-Dirty_BLEND_Destroyed with Base BLDG_Enterable for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.
[0016.38] Log: Incomplete cached shader map for material ENV_Foliage, compiling.
[0016.38] Log: Can't compile ENV_Foliage with seekfree loading path on console, will attempt to use default material instead
[0016.38] Warning: Warning, Failed to compile Material Instance WildFlowers.Materials.MINST_WildFlowers_A with Base ENV_Foliage for platform PC-D3D-SM3, Default Material will be used in game.




It says that there are problems with the NetIndex of the objects


NetIndex is an internal variable of the Object class


var native private const editconst noexport int NetIndex;


Neither UPK utils nor UEexplorer show this particular variable and I haven't managed to patch it. Raw hexediting the upk works when the netindex is a big number but I can't search for small numbers.


I tried importing the EU laser rifle, the textures are ok but the actual laser fire lacks some materials and crashes on some animations

Edited by LiQuiD911
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var native private const editconst noexport int NetIndex;

That is indeed interesting. Since it's native, it should be serialized directly via c++ code, not via Default Properties.


There is a file in CustomTFC.7z archive called "UPK Texture2D.pdf" - a description of binary part of Texture2D object made by Drakous79. I suspect those 4 bytes he was unable to identify can be the NextIndex you seek. Can you confirm it?

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Well this is straight from Engine.Object.uc in the udK/development/engine folder. I made a grep search for NetIndex.


// UObject variables.

// Internal variables.
var native private const editconst noexport pointer VfTableObject;
var native private const editconst pointer HashNext;
var native private const editconst qword ObjectFlags; // This needs to be 8-byte aligned in 32-bit!
var native private const editconst pointer HashOuterNext;
var native private const editconst pointer StateFrame;
var native private const editconst noexport Object Linker;
var native private const editconst noexport pointer LinkerIndex;
var native private const editconst noexport int ObjectInternalInteger;
var native private const editconst noexport int NetIndex;
var native const editconst Object Outer;
var() native const editconst name Name;
var native const editconst class Class;
var() native const editconst Object ObjectArchetype;
// IMPORTANT: DO NOT ADD _ANY_ MEMBERS AFTER ObjectArchetype! Add ALL members before it, as the
// C++ code expects it to be the final member of UObject! (see UObject::InitProperties)

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I'm trying to apply the map patches Liquid911 posted, but UPK Patcher (which I'm no expert in) gives the following error:


EDIT: I presume I need to decompress the EU map upks before attempting to patch them, correct?



Opening package ...

Package file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW/xcomgame/cookedpcconsole/urb_gasstation.upk
Package opened successfully!
Searching for specified data chunk ...
Data found!
Global offset: 0x0164A32D (23372589)
Bad name: CharTextures
Bad token: <CharTextures>
Invalid/empty data!
Bad name: EUTextureEU
Bad token: <EUTextureEU>
Invalid/empty data!
Execution stopped at #2 command named REPLACE_CODE.
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The new names must be part of the upk name table, we cannot select arbitrary names for the TFCs. Unless there is a way to insert new ones.


No need to decompress.


I tried fixing the skyranger intros, it needs a bit more work because I wasn't able to remove ship elements.

Edited by LiQuiD911
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