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R&D XCOM Map Alterations


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@ wghost and Liquid

Thank you very much for your awesome work, looks great though I guess I should be quivering in my boots that the bombs are getting shifted everywhere....



for Shen's commentary in bomb missions, is it possible to link the "False" flag to the starting option "Reduce Beginner VO"?

That may be an easy way for experienced players to cut Shen off.



The supply ship permeable roof was a complete surprise, I always thought only certain areas were bugged.

Now I know NOT to go anywhere near the sides of the ship if Chyssalids are activated.

Will these fixed maps be included in the B15a?

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wilsonkok, I'd rather get rid of this tutorial altogether as there are to many associated kismet-controlled objects I will need to move around. Or I can try to disable arrows only and tie Shen's explanations of how nodes work to "Reduce Beginner VO".

Edited by wghost81
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Got it, we can swap meshes of destructable actors !

Destructable actors have a functional ReplaceMesh function


I load the archetype mesh by calling "GetGameContent" on XComContentManager

native final function Object GetGameContent(string str);



var() name ArchetypeName;
var() string PathToMesh;

event Activated()
local Actor curActor;

foreach class'Engine'.static.GetCurrentWorldInfo().AllActors(class'Actor', curActor)
if(curActor.ObjectArchetype.Name == ArchetypeName)





@wilsonkok yes, they will be in the next patch (However they work on vanilla too and maybe EU, I haven't tested the later). You could manualy add them to the DefaultMaps.ini after the dropship intros.


Like this:



Maps=( MapFamily="COverseer_Deepwoods", Name="COverseer_Deepwoods", DisplayName="COverseer_Deepwoods (Greybox Crashed Overseer Ship Deep Woods)", MissionType=eMission_Crash, bInRotation=True, TimeOfDay=eMissionTime_Night, ShipType=eShip_UFOEthereal, eRegion=eMissionRegion_None, CouncilType=eFCMType_None, NewMap=False, InitialChance=20, InitialGain=1.05, DynamicAliens[0]=eChar_None, DynamicAliens[1]=eChar_None, StreamingMaps[0]=( MapName="CIN_DropshipIntros", Loc=( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ), Rot=( Pitch=0, Yaw=0, Roll=0 ) ), StreamingMaps[1]=( MapName="patch_overseer", Loc=( X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ), Rot=( Pitch=0, Yaw=0, Roll=0 ) ) )





@arc1618 Sorry, I have no idea why it crashes.. how do you change LOS range? Have you checked the game logs after a crash? The LOS functions are a blackbox AFK.

Edited by LiQuiD911
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LOS range is set by the SightRadius= property in the ini. I have a ton of crash dumps and the crash is easily reproducible, but I don't really have a clue what to look for. I think it has something to do with units seeing past map bounderies or something like that, since every crash is produced by a unit moving either to the lowest spot, the highest spot, or the closest spot to an edge on each map. If that's true the fix could just be adding cover in the right spots to block LOS. Maybe fixing holes in the map floors (if there are any) like you fixed the supply barge roofs would work. Is there anything special about the lowest level of terrain in the Newfoundland and scout barn maps?

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Standard bomb missions randomized:

















And some fun new maps to consider :smile:







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Awesome! Basicly you place the bomb on the opposite side of the lz, right? Bomb missions will finaly become interesting again, not knowing exactly where's the bomb. And we have to pray that the RNG doesn't place the nodes too distant from eachother.



We haven't figured out how to add sight blocking yet, only adding cover. All the information I get about existing maps is from "show volumes" and "show collision" commands while playing the map and then create an overlay that is loaded above it. So I really can't tell why it freezes...

Edited by LiQuiD911
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I use the same randomization algorithm as for pod placement (in fact, all the placement mutators extend the same base class). I coded it so it generates an array of vectors which are randomly scattered inside LevelVolume. I then use farthest location to place the bomb and all the others to place nodes.

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OMG... even more variety to BOMB missions and as a bonus, Shen's Tutorial comments are muted!

I mean it doesn't get any better than that.

Really amazing what proper code knowledge can achieve when geniuses are beyond good for the tasks.

Thank you, people.

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