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Windows XP Themes


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What you really want is SkinStudio Professional or another skinning program. But unless you've got a lot of artistic talent and some coding ability, I'd recommend just grabbing a program like WindowBlinds. There are literally thousands of themes for this one, and the demo version of the program has most functions and no expiry date, so basically it's free.


You can get both from www.stardock.com


There are other programs out there that you could google to find (eg look for "skinning programs" or the like) but these are the most easy to use programs I've found.

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Also try a little place called www.wincustomize.com. It has a Windows XP skinning program and and literally thousands of skins to chose from. Also there are icon themes, bootscreen and logon skins, and many backgrounds. I'm not sure if there's a program on there that lets you make your own skins, but it's definitely an awesome place to look.
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