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right here we are, heres my problem bout a year ago i bought morrowind for the xbox i played it to death and completed 4-5 guilds aswell as the main quests. bout six months ago i bought it 4 the pc for its tes construction set and the add on packs but bout 2 weeks ago my comp crashed and had to be rebooted, i lost all my morrowind data including my saves which i had spent ages doing i had a lvl 38 character which mite not soud high 2 sum but i completed all of the quests and had just started with tribunal. I now own tribunal and bloodmoon but cannot start the quests due to my low level character and because ive had it for so long im beginning to get bored with the actual morrowind quests. The point to all this is if any1 has a save they will give to me in exchange for my forum money. It doesnt matter to much bout the level jst as long as they r at least lvl 15. Plz cud sum1 help me, Myth-Source :ph34r:
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I've was in a similar situation some time ago. I lost my high level character when my system had a major hardware fault. If you want to put in the effort, you can pretty much "restore" your character manually by using the Console. It's a little time consuming, but you CAN just re-create your old character (Lvl 38, with whatever armor, weapons, skill levels, etc of the original) including the completion of your quests etc. Just thought I'd mention it.


Or, if it's what you REALLY want, I'd have no problem sending you a save file from my Lvl 41 Dark Elf, but I run a lot of plug-ins, so you'd have major conflicts at start-up since those plug-ins, most likely, will not be present in your game.

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yeah having someone elses character at high level would feel kind of hollow i would imagine... heres what to do:

open up the console with the ~ key (on my keyboard its the ` key to the left of the 1 key)

enter player->followed by:

setattribute/skill number (the attribute/skill that u want 2 raise shud be stated in one word not two) enter what level u wanna set it to at number.

as for level use setlevel number or ive heard that enablelevelupmenu works too. however leveling using setlevel wont alter your attributes so u'll have to alter them urself.

use sethealth number to increase ur health to whatever level it was

use setfatigue number to increase ur fatigue to whatever level it was

use setmagicka number to increase ur magicka to whatever level it was

use setreputation number to increase ur reputation to whatever level it was

use pcjoinfaction name of faction to join the faction of ur choice

use setpcrank faction to increase ur rank in a faction


i think thats everything... some of that may be incorrect as the UESP site is down today for some reason so i cant double check.


as for items enter player->additem itemid number to get it... as for the IDs of items u can find them all in the TES construction set, most of the time theyre in the following format (example):








glass_bracer_left (replace bracer with gauntlet if the piece of armour covers your entire hand)


glass claymore

daedric claymore

etc etc


hope this has been of some help :P

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