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In all likelihood, some of the top cards today will be near the bottom-end of Oblivion's system requirements. Of course, I have no facts to back that statement up sooo...eh.


I doubt it, since my old Ti4200 could play Far Cry perfectly fine and the 4200 came out about 3 and a half years ago, if not more. Top of the range GFX cards now we play Oblivion perfectly well since it looks like Oblivion is using DX9 graphic rendering (the lighting definately seems to suggest this, as does the pixel shading).



Well, that may be so, however I don't think a final word should be put in about Oblivion's lighting yet. I dare say that the advanced lighting effects, etc have yet to be implemented, considering that in one of the shots, the objects clearly don't even have shadows. At least I hope they haven't completely implemented lighting yet... :(


ps. are 4200's that old already? jebus my comp is outdated...(geforce 3 ti200)

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You must have some serious hardware right now to think you'll be able to run it well. Yikes!


No, I think I have pretty average hardware... I said I thought I could run it, not run it well! Maybe I'm just in denial of the fact that I'm gonna have to spend thousands on upgrading my machine again... I think I do a complete makeover on my computer about once a year. And it's killing my wallet! :(


Graphics cards; For a long time I thought that my ti 4200 was a good card; then came Far Cry... The only thing I needed to take me from low to high settings was the purchase of ATI 9800 pro! The only problem is that it won't be long before I have to exchange that one too... Why are these cards so durned expensive?

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who knows!?


I've just been milking my GeForce 3 Ti200 for the past 4 years. Only problem is I haven't been able to buy a new game and run it decently in over 6 months. And I'm trying to make it last til a month before Oblivion comes out, so I can afford an awesome comp then.

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