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redirect from nexus, DL links covered by redirect links


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hello first time posting here been a nexus user for a long time, however i feel the ads are getting out of hand when the mod page tabs, download links are covered by hidden links to off site ads.

the latest one was when i was trying to download buffout 4 to my modmanger, i hit the link and got redirected to this site https://dougale.com/KHqCJhnSFddhKkYr2UeYDZLgz7n5pbqgSP9H89kIjgM/?cid=6209f258b9b33c00015215c6&sid=4_5301391-174200537-0. now i don't know what company's your working with for you ad campain's, however i feel its a big secutity risk and takes away form the user experince. yes i understand a ad block will help but when its come from a site that's got https one would think its safe. please consider the words from a user that uses your site.

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Please can you clarify what you are seeing and describe it a bit better? If possible, please also provide a screenshot so I can see what you are seeing. All ads are different and I likely will not see the same ads as you, which is why I am asking for more information.


Thank you.

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TY for your fast reply, the redirect links have been happening for the last week, my location is in nevada, i have kaspersky as my antivirus which reports my system is clean, becouse of the flood of ads lately when i vist your site i did have to turn down the protection to DL any mod for it thinks they are viruses. last night before going to bed this is the latest one that redircted me when i tried hitting the download with manger link, it said link unavialable and then redircted me off site for i had to close browser tab and reopen nexus mod to get back to mod i was wanting.


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