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Update on site work and NMM 0.50 around the corner


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I fixed my problem, simple but fixed it this way.


I had to uninstall NMM but had the new update .exe file on my system. I had to back track a bit. Here is how I fixed my refusal for NMM to even load.


1. Download the new NMM update and save it in a file.


2. Go into your MODS save your NMM file totally over to another file (I didnt trust uninstalling and it "saying" none of my MODS would be deleted).


C:\Games\Nexus MOD Manager\Skyrim\MODS\


3. Uninstall NMM in your programs listed with its own uninstall on your system.


4. Go to your new update NMM and install it. It notes the new fix with the trace file, so seems that was my probem.


5. I ran NMM without returning my MODS back into the NMM listing, dont fret, it says it starts uninstalling your MODS BUT you are smarter because you SAVED them in a separate file ... sneaky aint it? I created a folder named OTHER than NMM transferred ALL of NMM from the above reference.


6. Close NMM then transfer your files back to the NMM in your File Folder you saved.


7. Start NMM and there is comes with all the MODS.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh hi super late news post.


I can safely say that I won't be using the 'playlist' feature due to the symlink functionality.


I run my games off an SSD. I keep my mods on a slow RAID1 backup system. You can see the problem here.


Hopefully the entire system remains legacy and it only changes over to the symlink system if using the playlist feature, else I'm afraid that will be the last NMM version I use. I recently re-updated from 43.2 and am reminded again why I rolled back in the first place (terribly sluggish and way too busy UI).

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