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Collection cloning does not recognized installed mods


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Summary: cloning my own collection does not recognize the already installed mods:

Expected Result: right-click any downloaded mods from the mods panel and it will have "remove from collection" option.

Actual Result: right-click any downloaded mods from the mods panel and it will have "add to collection" option.

Steps to reproduce:

1. install my own collection revision 83(https://next.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/collections/wlyq9p) with Vortex version 1.5.2 Beta.

2. clone it.

3. right-click any downloaded mods from the mods panel and it will have "add to collection" option.

4.then click "add to collection", it will be added as a duplicate mod to the collection.

For example, if adding mod 123 (which is already showing as added in the collection panel) to the collection again, the collection panel will display the amount of mods in the collection has increased, but you will only see one mod 123.

Am I doing something wrong? Is this a bug or intended?

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