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Pink tire texture In-Game issue, mod conflict?


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Link doesn't work.

Nexus won't let me upload with Imgur for some reason, Reddit was the best option I had. That link should follow to another link which contains the post.


Here's a slightly edited link if that helps: https://www.reddit.com/user/ThePeskyMolerat/comments/t0ygzg/test/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

Edited by ThePeskyMolerat
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Did you have all of your mods loaded there? If so, that is REALLY odd, as it appears there aren't ANY other mods affecting tires...... So, where is the texture????? Have you used steam to verify your game cache???

Most. I had almost all mods loaded except for a FallUI mod, the Item sorter but I keep that disabled because it's redundant. I'll check Steam Cache.

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Did you have all of your mods loaded there? If so, that is REALLY odd, as it appears there aren't ANY other mods affecting tires...... So, where is the texture????? Have you used steam to verify your game cache???

Ok, so now after Steam checked the integrity, Script Extender won't load.



No files found in ALR.ini's path Ensure A Full Path Is Being Used EX. C:Program Files (x86)Steamscreenshots" was the full error message.

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Ok, you win the prize for the weirdest issue I have run into for a while. :D


I have no clue why that texture isn't showing up. Supposedly, none of your mods touch tires, and all of your files are correct.


Maybe dig thru you data directory, and see if there are any 'tire.nif's in the Data\setdressing\tires folder. If there are, delete them. (it might be Data\meshes\setdressing\tires as well.)

Edited by HeyYou
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