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Pink tire texture In-Game issue, mod conflict?


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That's the automated load screen replacer..... No idea if that's a mod, or something else.


See This post. :D

Yeah... It still didn't fix the tire issue lol



Ok, you win the prize for the weirdest issue I have run into for a while. :D


I have no clue why that texture isn't showing up. Supposedly, none of your mods touch tires, and all of your files are correct.


Maybe dig thru you data directory, and see if there are any 'tire.nif's in the Data\setdressing\tires folder. If there are, delete them. (it might be Data\meshes\setdressing\tires as well.)

Well, looks I fixed it. Problem was in The Wasteland Garage, it's an esm file and somehow edited the Fallout 4 esm file directly. Not completely sure why per say, I'm still overlooking it. But it's fixed. All I had to do was delete the mod and the texture was restored.


Thanks for your help dude. Appreciate it.

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