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Rain. We Need Freaking Rain.


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Hey modders, do you think it's possible to import the rain from Oblivion and drop it into Fallout 3?

I'm not talking about full on environmental changes, I actually prefer the sepia, post nuke shades of vanilla over the fellout mod (even though it's beautiful).

But is it a possibility that random rainy days can be made for Fallout 3?

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What kind of rain? Acid like rain from the nuclear fallout of the explosions that gives rads per second that may be avoidable while wearing certain armors or helms, or a recovered/healed atmosphere with harmless rain, and lastly would it be adapted so that you wouldn't get rained on if you were under a bridge, or tent, etc.? OR do you just not care that much and want rain for a change of pace and random times for set random durations? And although i support this idea and this your onto a great addition to the game, I'm not capable of doing it. Just got a bit excited and wanted to detail some.
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Ideally, I think rain should be at least slightly radioactive, seeing as the unavailability of clean water is a plot point in the game, and the fact that you can take a swim in any natural body of water with a hazard suit on and still get rad-poisoning.


I think it should be avoidable somehow, but how - that I can not know. Maybe something "If rad resistance over 35%, then no rad at all" or so script. And there should be something diffrences while wearing diffrend suits, but not editing the suits itself but making it a diffrend script. That could be a problem to mod since it could rise cpu load, maybe, becose of checking all the time what armor the character is wearing. Dunno if this can be just made so that when it starts to rain, or the character comes to area, lets say by fast traveling, and its raining, the check would be done at that moment + every time the armor is changed. I dont know if these things are game core changes or some other changes. Or, could the rain be done to "perk" like thing, just like oblivion had some mods as Quests or Mod Items that can not be tropped off.. Sorry if I talk too much, just have tought about the same thing about rain, we need it bad. I hope someone modding script wizard could make one, it would be gladly loved mod, thank you. :)



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Rain would be very nice to have it would change up the atmosphere every once in a while. Unfortunately porting rain from oblivion would be Illegal (copyright issues) so it will have to be made from scratch.
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Rain would be very nice to have it would change up the atmosphere every once in a while. Unfortunately porting rain from oblivion would be Illegal (copyright issues) so it will have to be made from scratch.


There is Rain available on oblivion nexus created by Community Members, so this rain wouldn't be illegal to convert. Still we need somebody who is able to convert oblivion partikel nifs, everything else is easy to do. If anyone has the skills here to convert partikel nifs, he welcome to contact me.

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Seeing as nexus fallout is more or less devoted to fallout and oblivion fans would it not be considerd by bethesda to allow the "importation" to take place, i mean, both games are made by them. Anyway, im just grabbing at the wind, maybe your right. though if as Yossarian says there's already somehting out there by oblivion modders i think this is on it's first steps to being released.


I'd love to see this happen

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Actually, for now I wouldn't want the mod to be too aggressive in it's scope. Just a port of the rain from Oblivion (if it's allowable) for a change in surroundings. It would be great to be in the middle of a bombed out city with steel stormclouds above and rain pattering down. A good ambiance improver.

Stuff like Rads per second and shelter from said rads could come later. For now if someone could just import some rain it would be great.

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