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[WIP] SkySummer - Ultimate Summer Overhaul


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SkySummer is a work in progress project to transform skyrim from that cold, dark and snowy world into a beautiful and green summer paradise. New textures, new grasses, new plants and new trees will turn skyrim into a green world. There is also new lighting and many more things. I started this mod for my own, but I think some other people also could like this changes. I am working since 3 months on this mod and it is nearly finished.






  • 1k Landscape Textures
  • 1k and 2k Rock, Mountain and Glacier Textures
  • Removed all snow and ice from the game
  • Removed all snow and ice shaders
  • Removed all icefloes, snow drifts and snow blowing effects
  • Removed most of all icebergs and only leaved them, wich are importan for a clean mod
  • Removed some fog meshes from the marsh region
  • Replaced all pine trees with gkb redwood trees and all aspen trees with gkb cyrodiil trees
  • Replaced all plants with plants from ztree, elinen and gkb
  • Replaced all landscape textures
  • Added many new grasses from elinen
  • Added moss shader for many stones and glaciers
  • Overhauled some architecture textures (whiterun, riften, windhelm, markarth & solitude) to fit the summer theme
  • Retextured and overhauled some animals
  • Retextured all landscape and grass textures and also mountain, iceberg and galcier textures
  • Overhauled the lighting and weather system: much more saturation, deeper colors, lesser contrast
  • Regenerated new LOD Textures, Objects and Trees
  • Fixed bugs and issues
  • Added willow trees to marsh region
  • Edited water colors






Edited by AceeQ
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Personally, I like the vanilla climate and flora of Skyrim, but I do wish they had seasons. It's meant to be like modern Norway and Sweden in the south, not Siberia in the Winter!


If a mod made some of the more southern regions look like this during Midyear, Sun's Height and Last Seed, I'd be very interested. Whiterun, for example, is meant to be sub-arctic tundra, steppe and taiga forest (not perma-frost), with some Northern temperate and deciduous areas. They grow leeks and potatoes near Whiterun, which are very prone to frost, so the climate is obviously not as cold as many people think and the ground is not permanently frozen.


But a lot of people would be interested in this mod as it is intended. I don't know how you would script seasonal changes in flora anyway, or even if it's possible.



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seasons would be great but as far as I am aware it is impossible with large trees in an area like the skyrim exterior due to the Tree LOD's. The trees themselves can be set up with seasons in certain respects without requiring much scripting. This can be done by having an invisible tree with a non-harvestable ingredient as the actual tree model with a different model for each season, but it won't swap in / swap out a different model or texture to be utilised by the Tree LOD atlas. The seasonal foliage system that had been developed for the 2012 game jam seems use only one model for all seasons with slowly animated textures applied to the leaves which are set up in the video to change in time with the seasons. I imagine they would have developed a system for swapping other LOD models as they would have otherwise encountered the same problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wooooow, simply amazing! I'll be getting this if you can pack it in a simple bsa & esp, for example: "skysummer.esp" & "skysummer.bsa" so we easily can swap around.


Reason you say?: I'm currently fiddling around for my next play through, the overhauls I'm deciding between is: Trophical Skyrim, Yours, Summer Skyrim, Skyrim Flora Overhaul.


Why? Because I got tired of snow and rain and all that mammoth s#*!. ._.

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Wooooow, simply amazing! I'll be getting this if you can pack it in a simple bsa & esp, for example: "skysummer.esp" & "skysummer.bsa" so we easily can swap around.


Reason you say?: I'm currently fiddling around for my next play through, the overhauls I'm deciding between is: Trophical Skyrim, Yours, Summer Skyrim, Skyrim Flora Overhaul.


Why? Because I got tired of snow and rain and all that mammoth s***. ._.


Currently I am nearly finished with this projects and I have to say it looks fantastic. I will upload some screens. And yes there will be a skysummer.esp and a skysummer.bsa (or 2 bsa files, if one is too big).


Currently I have replaced all trees and plants with new ones. Or you can simply look at modDB: http://www.moddb.com/mods/skysummer-ultimate-summer-overhaul



Edited by AceeQ
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  • 1 month later...

I'm still running v2 but am nervous about the mods disappearance as well. I'm guessing it is for revision but perhaps leaving the page up and disabling download ability would be more assuring for users. I found a few problems (no tree bridge to the Hagraven at Orphans Tear, odd lighting at certain angles in the rented room at the Skeever in Solitude, a few awkward looking texture pairings) but have no game issues of importance. Hoping it returns soon in an even more polished state as summer is sweet in Skyrim.

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