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Savegame Corruption? Lighten the blow with a New Character


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Hello everyone!


I'm pretty certain most of us know by now, that excessive fiddling with mods can cause save game corruption. I've very often had to make new characters and so on by making that mistake, and I'm here to instruct you on how to ease the blow. Instructions below include:

  1. How to console level skills, the 'proper way'
  2. How to add all vanilla enchants
  3. How to add all shouts
  4. Miscellaneous Options

I'd very much recommend you read the entire 'tutorial' before you go ahead and follow it. I also recommend doing a 'hard save' always before you start using the console, things can go wrong, very easily. (Make a hard save by bringing up the console, and type save <name>, whatever name you use is up to you, but you may not include spaces).


To me, what I dread the most about starting new saves, is being 'weak' again; because after going through X amount of saves, leveling is only so fun.


I wouldn't exactly call this cheating (although it most certainly actually is), but I justify it with all the countless level 40+ 'legit' characters I've leveled over the past 2 years that I've had to trash. You, of course, have your own reasons for doing this, but I'll simply assume we're in the same boat.




* * *


Step 1: Console Leveling the 'Proper Way'


Simply adding levels and perks through their respective console commands is a very clumsy way to go about it, what we want to achieve is a character with stats that look like they've been manually leveled with the skillpoint system, AND are bug free.


The command we're going to use is advskill.


Typing, for example


player.advskill lockpicking 1000


will add 1000 skill points toward the lockpicking skill (skillpoints is what you receive when you use a certain skill (e.g. you receive X amount of skillpoints for opening a master lock)) using this command, the game will act to this as if, for example, you just opened a lock, therefore the chance of bugs is minimal.


Below is listed all the different categories for skillpoints, note that Archery for example is listed as Marksman and Speech is called Speechcraft and Light respectively Heavy Armor are listed as one word, without spaces.




Alchemy = alchemy

Alteration = alteration

Archery = marksman

Block = block

Conjuration = conjuration

Destruction = destruction

Enchanting = enchanting

Heavy Armor = heavyarmor

Illusion = illusion

Light Armor = lightarmor

Lockpicking = lockpicking

One-Handed = onehanded

Pickpocket = pickpocket

Restoration = restoration

Smithing = smithing

Sneak = sneak

Speech = speechcraft

Two-Handed = twohanded




Note that all the skills have different requirements for level up, for example, typing:


player.advskill speechcraft 1000

player.advskill lockpicking 1000


may increase lockpicking to level 85, while speech only levels to 30. If you care, try gently with low numbers and see how far the skill goes, in case you don't want to accidentally max out all skills (I know I like to level some vanilla too). If you're interested in how this works, there's been some writing regarding the subject here.


* * *

Step 2: Adding all Vanilla Enchants


One very pesky part of losing an old save is also losing everything you've grinded to achieve it, for example; enchanting recipes. Simply using the mod below will add several items with all vanilla enchants for you to disenchant. This way, you do not have to console extensively, the mod does it all for you. This is also bug free, but I would most certainly recommend that you're close to an enchanting table before you do it.


All Enchant Recipes - Via Disenchant by Akimb0

This mod is a simple bat file, that you place within your DATA folder. When you boot up your save, you need only open the console and type bat allchant


* * *

Step 3: Adding all Shouts

Like the previous step, this one also includes a simple bat file. In all its simplicity, it just adds all the dragon shouts, it does NOT unlock them, meaning you still have to grind dragon souls to use them.


Add all shouts by GeezasMods

This also needs to be placed in the DATA folder, to use it within a save, type bat addshouts


* * *

Miscellaneous Options

Clean Slate - Main Quest Completed by Unlithium_Dragon

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Is not a better way to Increase PC Skill to use IncPCS <skillname>?


This will add one skill point to the skill and you'll get the perk slots as you level up and is easier to control.


Having it in a batch file will speed up the process as well, with one line per point per skill you want to increase.


So if you want to increase all your skills by 50 points, have one line per skill 50 times in a text file called SkillUp.txt.


Then, in the console, type


bat SkillUp




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Is not a better way to Increase PC Skill to use IncPCS <skillname>?


This will add one skill point to the skill and you'll get the perk slots as you level up and is easier to control.


Having it in a batch file will speed up the process as well, with one line per point per skill you want to increase.


So if you want to increase all your skills by 50 points, have one line per skill 50 times in a text file called SkillUp.txt.


Then, in the console, type


bat SkillUp





Probably works just as well :)

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  • 8 months later...

Thank you for this guide! My main character's saves are in a bad state :sad: hope to fix this via new game + console.


However, I see you haven't included Quest Stage consoling. Would it be terrible to do that? Error-inviting? I really don't want to do dozens of hours of quests over.

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