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Different SKY UI?


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Literaly the only reason I use Sky UI is because so many mods require it to function. When I play skyrim, I hook my laptop to the tv and then use a wireless xbox controller connected to my laptop. This way I can emulate playing skyrim on the xbox while still being able to use mods. Mods are the only reason I bought skyrim for pc. But when I use Sky UI the font in the inventory is so small I cant read it from the couch. Thats why I would like a mod adds the mcm menu and whatnot but keep the inventory the same as vanilla skyrim. Personally I never really understood why everybody hated the vanilla inventory. I think I like it better than Sky UI.

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The changes in font size is actually quite limited, but the OP sounds like he needs SkyUI-Away if he prefers a controller.


I only have 13 mods out of 130 esp mods that actually make use of MCM. And most of those are Enable/Disable. Frostfall, Wet and Cold and Realistic Needs and Diseases make the most use of it.


So I've never understood this idea that most mods need it or that MCM is the only reason anyone uses SkyUI. I have always used SkyUI because the vanilla interface is the absolutely worst I have ever seen in my entire life for a keyboard and mouse. And playing TES since Daggerfall, I much prefer the kdb & mse setup.




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