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New Creatures: Welki monsters


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they are looking very nice maybe you can show up some pics with less light from the player


Lightless screens. Yes...they glow.








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Very nice. Perhaps a small continual light of say 5 feet or so? Seems odd that it glows but doesn't light the area around it any. I do think it shows the texture off much cleaner in these screens. Well done.


Good idea, except i am unsure of how to do it. If you can direct me I sure will add it. Or is just the light spell? I can add that to the creatures ability.

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The transparent "glass" versions of the atronachs I created are in MMM now I think. They will also be in Vvardenfell Glass when released.



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You should rather try and see if you can't make it a passive effect instead of just an ability. As to how to do so, I have no idea as I never learnt to use the CS.



The ability is a passive effect. I did not know if there was a way to do it nifscope. I tend to play around with nifscope. I do not know if there is a good way of adding lights to a creature or objects without them being "lights" themselves. I made an obilesk light in my glimmering castle dungeons, For some reason they only light up half way. I did not play with them in nifscope alot though.


LHammonds: Those look really nice, good job. Or good job to whoever is creating them.

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