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Stuck in cowering/injured animation when idle


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My character has become stuck in a injured animation when standing still with no weapon equipped. I also drag my foot as if it is broken when walking slowly. Here is a crappy video of the issue.


Any magic commands or mods I can use to fix this? I've tried googling but I can't seem to find much or it just ends in a "im on console"



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I would think that poking yourself with a stimpack should fix it??


Any other odd active affects??



Unfortunately stim pack does not help. It has been going on for a few hours of gameplay now, through many broken limbs healed since. As of writing my only active affects that are in the pipboy are caffeine and adrenaline

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Best way to clear a stuck anim is to force another one like sit, sleep or enter power armor.




Thanks for the suggestion, I tried these and its still in effect.

Best way to clear a stuck anim is to force another one like sit, sleep or enter power armor.


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