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In game "corrupt" saves that aren't when game reloaded


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Hi - having an issue that I have no idea how to chase down. My game is heavily modded.

After a random period playing, sometimes 1-2 hours, and very occasionally after only 10 minutes I notice some odd in game behaviour

1) books etc have blank pages

2) some dialogue options will disappear from some NPCs - eg "What have you got for sale"

3) looking at the save game list, all of the attached images will change to the generic Multicoloured lines with "Image" written across it.

4) I can still save games, and they appear in the list as per 3)

5) if I attempt to load any of them at that stage, they say the save is corrupt. Including exiting to main menu and trying.

6) If I exit the game, reSaver says no issues with those saves

7) Start Skyrim up again and they are all fine - load without issue, even the ones made when the issue was already occurring. All the "problems" disappear - well for another hour or two anyway.


It happens right from starting a totally new game - even had it happen while still in the ASLAL starting cell, and I haven't noticed it worsening as the game progresses out in to saves eg >300


Any ideas?

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Having the exact same issue, and my game is also heavily modded (2500+), I think Skyrim has memory leak or memory attribution problems with such big load orders (even if I still have tons of RAM free),


I noticed it happens more rapidly when i change locations fast, the game fills up my VRAM almost entirely (95% of a 3090 24GB lol, and no I don't play in 8K, it's 4K/2K), and then the symptoms you describe render the game unplayable due to missing npc dialogue and I have to restart the game entirely .


I'm on 1.5.97 and I use all the engine fixes mods etc, would like to know a solution also... if there is one.

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I found a FIX! Well this fix is only valid for Skyrim SE on Windows 10 or 11, if you have another OS sorry you're out of luck and have to reduce your number of mods


It took me quite a while to find the solution although we certainly are not the only two people having the same problem! If you look for "Skyrim false corruption bug" in google you will find a good number of people describing the same symptoms of corrupted saves and missing dialogue since 2011 when the original Skyrim first released.


Now finding the problem was easy but finding a solution not so much.



First we have to understand the cause of our problem:


The cause is the use of a very large number of mods versus the Skyrim and Windows file handler limit. For Skyrim this means the maximum number of files the game can process simultaneously, these files are of course the .esm, esp, .esl files but also the .bsa, .nif, .dds and even sound files!


Skyrim LE, SE and I guess also AE (not sure as I didn't upgrade) out of the box can only handle 512 file handlers maximum at a time! (Windows XP and Vista could also handle that number maximum.)

While that number is fine for vanilla gameplay or a moderately modded game once you used a large number of mods (near the limit of 255 before the introduction of the .esl format) you broke that 512 file handler limit your game started to crap out, CTD's, massive frame drops and/or our false savegame corruption bug showed their ugly face. The only solution back then was to tone down the number of mods or start merging mods, pack a lot of stuff into BSA's etc etc


Then with the release of Windows 7 and 8 Microsoft raised the maximum file handlers to 2048. Bethesda didn't patch Skyrim SE to do the same... they must have been busy with Freakout 76 or Creative thinking or something. Fortunately for us Aers released the SSE Engine Fixes mod which also raised the file handler limit to 2048!


Yes I know, you and I and the other load order abusers since the advent of the esp-fe format broke that new limit yet again, and here we are again forced to merge, pack and God forbid reduce the number of mods we use... that's the conclusion I made after hours and hours of digging until I found one post on reddit which had nothing to do with Skyrim btw, where someone wrote 'with the introduction of Windows 10 Microsoft raised the file handler limit to 8192'

Surely, putting 8192 in SSE Engine Fixes config file would not work would it? I tried, and it failed spectacularly... as I couldn't load any of my savegames, sigh. Then the next day when once again taking a look at the SSE Engine Fixes modpage, something caught my eye... the versions for AE and SE didn't match! while AE was at version 6.0.2, the one for SE still shows 5.8.3...


Aers (who takes a break from modding I read somewhere) didn't update the SE one here on Nexus. Ok so hey let's type 'SSE engine Fixes Skyrim SE 6.0.2' in Google to see what gives and.... skip all the nexus links and then BAM! Aers put it up on his Github page! Get files 1 and 3 from here: https://github.com/aers/EngineFixesSkyrim64/releases/tag/6.0.2


Install them, put 8192 as value for MaxStdio and SaveGameMaxSize to true in the config file, launch your game and enjoy a more stable, bug free Skyrim with room for a few thousand mods more :dance:



Warning! Almost forgot, before updating save your game in an interior cell in a fresh save as some of my saves in exteriors still wouldn't load properly, probably because I saved when the corruption bug had already kicked in.

Edited by Billy1969
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@Billy1969: Thanks for the explanation!


BTW; "Engine Fixes" can also be downloaded directly here from the Nexus:



From what I can see, the versions on the Nexus and on Github are identical.


Not exactly, the AE versions are both 6.0.2 indeed, but the SE ones for game versions up to 1.5.97 aren't , here on Nexus ii still is 5.8.3 and that version doesn't support the higher number of file handlers in it's config file, for people still playing the old SE game and didn't update to AE 1.6.x game versions you need the one on Github labelled 6.0.2

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