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Which Military Branch would you rather serve?

Tiber Septim

Which Military Branch will you rather serve?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Read the instructions and story for more further details

    • United States Marine Corps.
    • United States Army
    • United States Air Force
    • United States Navy

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Ohh, hey Guys! Paperwork is keeping me tight these days, and my laptop got corrupted coz of my Fallout 3...

Good work, u guys! I though this Poll is already long abandoned! Thanks for keepin' it alive guys!


@Uncle Roe

Long time no talk, Roe! The Major's keepin' me tight these days. I was offered to go to DI School, but I didn't want too... But should I? So, what's up with ur world now?




Well if you were offered a chance to DI i'd say hell yeah do it. You can expect to tour a hell of alot less though, they'll have you at an MCRD 24/7 training the yellow feet. Still it's better than going back to the front and who doesn't want to yell at snot nosed kids all day long and get paid to do it?


you gotta go to sergeants school for it though. shouldn't be much for a gunny.



OH! i'm officially civilian again. iwon't tell you what it feels like though,don't wanna depress ya.


sharp picture.

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Marines, most bad-ass. All the branches are cool but I'm not that comfortable in waters which rules out navy, air force seems boring unless you're a pilot and I don't have perfect vision and the regular army is squishy compared to the Marines

I have to say, that if you feel that the Army is 'squishy' compared to the Marines, then maybe you could not hack the Army at all. I served in the Army, so did two of my three brothers; one, in fact, returned from Iraq just recently. I hope that this forum question does not try to pit branch against branch, because WE ALL are vital to the protection and stability of this nation. I chose the Army, not because it was easy or hard, but, I had to prove something to not just friends and family, but to myself. And I did, proudly. I give a big 'Oh-Rah!' to any and all who served. But please do not state something that you may not have any knowledge about. If you prefer one branch to another, fine. But I strongly request that no one denigrate one branch to prop up another.


Gregory T. Watson, '86-'89, US Army, Delta 227th Avn Regt, Ft. Hood, TX.

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I think i said this once earlier but this seems like the time to say again. The Marines kick ass but we'd be in a poo sandwich from sun up to sun down without the Army. i dunno how many times during mission all we did was take fire until an Army fireteam extracted us or helped provide covering fire to help us get the hell out of pain city.



DON"T knock any of the branches down though.. they each play a part and all work together to get the job done. If you need to blame anyone..blame the leaders...that's what they are there for. :biggrin:

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Marines, most bad-ass. All the branches are cool but I'm not that comfortable in waters which rules out navy, air force seems boring unless you're a pilot and I don't have perfect vision and the regular army is squishy compared to the Marines

I have to say, that if you feel that the Army is 'squishy' compared to the Marines, then maybe you could not hack the Army at all. I served in the Army, so did two of my three brothers; one, in fact, returned from Iraq just recently. I hope that this forum question does not try to pit branch against branch, because WE ALL are vital to the protection and stability of this nation. I chose the Army, not because it was easy or hard, but, I had to prove something to not just friends and family, but to myself. And I did, proudly. I give a big 'Oh-Rah!' to any and all who served. But please do not state something that you may not have any knowledge about. If you prefer one branch to another, fine. But I strongly request that no one denigrate one branch to prop up another.


Gregory T. Watson, '86-'89, US Army, Delta 227th Avn Regt, Ft. Hood, TX.


perhaps you should read THIS!

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Hey, guys! It's nice to be back online again. For almost a month, i didn't touch the computer.


Well, bad news.. She didn't want to go out with me :( .. And throughout the month, she ignores me. There is something wrong, but i can't tell what it is.. Because of this, I nearly committed suicide in the armory, but i got stopped by the Major and he decided to comfort me in his office. I feel a lot of better when i talk it out to him. He's always kind to me.


@Uncle Roe

I really can't handle shouting to innocent, young kids. That's always be a DI's Job. But it kinda troubles me, if i shout to them :yucky: . Besides, if one of my squadmates did a mistake, i never get mad at him.


Nice! Official a civilian again! :thumbsup: It must be really good now, free as a bird... But it's ok, you can tell me bout it, being in the Marine Corps is always been my ambition since i was still a young kid.. The only thing that's depressing me is the current problem i'm having now.. :(



That was a really nice work, you wrote. I showed your work to the guys up at the Customer Service in Camp Pendleton, they seem to like it. I showed your work to the new recruits, they instantly said, "Oorah!" :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




GySgt. Tiber Septim

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